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Just printed out the plans, and it didn't print correctly... I'm about to say the hell with it for today... It's just too hot outside.


Well-Known Member
If it's any consultation for ya.. I still can't get my printer to work.. It's paper holder at the moment!


Staff member
Nope, that doesn't help lmao.

Okay, finally was able to get the plans printed out. Didn't follow my own instructions and left page scaling turned on. The plans are printed, taped (no scotch, had to use packing once again... ugh), cut out and traced onto foamboard. Time to cut it out and get it ready for some color...
Sup blade how you been and where have you been hiding glad to see you back
I've been great. Been flying my helis (X3, 150, Nano)

To simplify, I had a little "issue" with the forum. Needless to say I was banned for a mighty long time. I've had plenty of time to think about my behavior, and I'm back in business :)


Well-Known Member
Eye had enough!!!
I have a couple bird feeders on the patio and play host to many Song Sparrows, Robins, Cardinals, and the occasional Finch. The ground pounders spend their time too, rabbits , red and grey squirrels, and those cute little Ground Squirrels.
Ground Squirrel.jpg
Well I had a Ground Squirrel go Rogue on me. He became very possessive of my patio and the seeds that came his way. At times I would hear birds hitting my patio window trying to escape the nasty little varmint.
The picture above is one of the newly exited babies. They are coming out of the holes for the first time. Not representative of the bugger that is tormenting my patio.
Well, after seeing feathers of a Mourning Dove on my patio, I started to wonder just how physical this guy was getting.
I will tell you, he is getting out of control.
I walked out to fill the feeder and saw the next two shots.
Strike One.jpg

Strike Two.jpg

I bagged these three sparrows and swept all the loose seed on the patio onto the grass. Moving my grill I found one more bird under there.
You may say, "Dave, no little ground squirrel is going to be able to catch and kill a sparrow!!" I thought the same until I opened the drapes last Friday morning to see the little Bas%#rd with one fresh in his mouth.
View this one knowing there is a little bird with a gaping head wound. The squirrel is attacking them at the head, and going Zombie on these poor birdies.

After that morning I went into the closet and brought out an old trusted friend.

That squirrel just signed his death warrant.
I have the little glass marbles for the wrist rocket, they made for better target practice. This was originally purchased when they started to build the expressway near town and roused up all the coyotes. I had trouble with them being in the back area when my little puppy was out there.
I only had a chance to take a couple shots at the squirrel with that though. Not stealth enough opening up the sliding screen door.
Going back to that cute little one above. I took that picture at about 2:30 pm.
Here is another shot at about 2:45,
Strike Three.jpg

Like I said in the beginning, I had enough.
Went up to the local Wallymart, over to the sportsman section and grabbed one of these.
And a package of these.

I am not a hunter and I do not go out and kill for sport. This was war!
Returning from Wallymart, the bugger was enjoying the last of his reign of my back yard.
I ate my Chicken Gyros while going over the manual, saw this was a one pump Nitro Piston. Hmmm. Loaded up the first pellet to check out the sound and velocity. A significant discharge sound and unbelievable travel to the back marshy area.
Now to set up a shooting area that will minimize chances of ricochet, while leaving my moves hidden from the critter I want in the sights.
Laying against the front of the couch, pistol resting atop a 5" aluminum square. Knowing the screen door ruins my chances of sneaking a shot off. I take a test shot through the screen.
You can tell by the hole in the screen, the pellet was starting to mushroom from that impact. Because of my proximity to the target, the shot was hitting low. about 3 elevator clicks and I pumped up for my third round out the barrel.
Not more than 15 minutes later, Mr Stripes wanted a bit more seed to jam in his carnivorous cheeks.
He dropped his head, I pushed the safety. He came back up, I pulled the trigger.
Off he went. Hmmm.
Too much frag from the screen?? Was the 3 clicks too much?? Went outside to look around and I saw another baby sticking his head out from the neighbors patio. No sign of Mr Stripes.
Looking down at the baby that was attacked by my patio, I seen his position was changed and there was breathing in his back. Maybe still alive?
Coming back in to get some gloves, I look back at the hole in the screen and eye up the trajectory. He had to be fragged, Hard!
I put on the gloves and went to pick up the baby, it wiggled into my gloves and moved with much intent. I took him next door and put him at the entrance to his burrow. Down and in he went with his brother close behind.
Walking back to my patio I look in the rocks. Low and behold there is Mr Stripes sunbathing, and taking his last breaths.
Mission Accomplished!

Ground Squirrel.jpg

Strike One.jpg

Strike Two.jpg

Strike Three.jpg
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Staff member
Damn squirls. I hate them things. Cant enjoy birds because the steel all the seeds. Maybe with this latest project i can maybe entice butterflies and bees. Yes bees, i need them for the many things the wife wants to plant. This is 3 days of work and with the rain that is falling right now i don't think tomorrow will be a good clearing day. I also have a bulk of the wood covered so it has a better chance to dry out. I hope the wood splits alright after it is dried.






So far thats all the wood i have been able to reclaim. Its mostly punk wood that needs to be dried out, a lot.

Right now it dies not look like much but that area is almost 30 foot deep by 150 foot long. The wife wants a garden, a berry section (blue, rasp and black ). I want to add a small section of wild field flowers. She also wants some apple peach and pear trees some where back there to.

One thing you can almost see is how big the yard is. This lot is about 1.75 acres in the city. Its huge almost flying field huge, well for a 450 anyways.

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Back from holidays. Done 3,224 miles around France, Pyrenees, Andorra, Spain... Exhausted now, no flying today, gale force winds here now. Never got much flying done abroad either...


Well-Known Member
Blooming 3 days off from the forum as been away where I had like zero data coverage and I come back to like hundreds of posts gonna be a while before I'm up to date me thinks!


Staff member
Feel my pain. Since getting home i have been doing more family stuff and yard work. Have not had the time during the day to get on here. I have been skipping a lot of posts. Shame on me but since i only know helis that's what i stick with.

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Well-Known Member
I hate this weather, since I did my first loops with my AXN it has been garbage.
Wind, rain, or both.
I have had a couple of flights and landed again very quickly.
Where I live, a little wind at ground level tends to mean a lot up higher.
Bring on summer I say. :)


Staff member
Stuck a 3GX mRS on my 450 Pro... Never again. I will not suggest this gyro, Actually yeah I will, I suggest you GET IT OFF YOUR HELICOPTER!!! I'm about done with Align. Not their helicopters, but their gyros. The 3GX is hit and miss and now their cheap gyros are the same way. Oh what fun.


Staff member
Conquer your heart! Lol

Dont have much experience with align; although sometimes i wish i did but others glad i dont.

Still torn between a couple brands myself but really impressed with my current setup. I really want to try the NX4G though. Sounds like a really good practice bird. May not be a smack setup but a great sport kit.

Sent from my LG-E980 using Forum Runner


Well-Known Member
Here I sit quietly tapping my fingers more and more, frigging waiting for the darn postman to drop off my Beastx sat cable adaptor,

Who said patience is a virtue, lol
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