600 Uri's Big bird build journal


Well-Known Member

You could easily go down a tooth on the motor pulley and drop your headspeeds a shade. You will get longer flights and headspeed will still be plenty for all but the hardest hardcore 3D. But see what you think when you get her in the air.


Active Member
OH yeah, it stopped, well stopped enough, raining at lunch. Went out at got gov store on the hobbywing set. Head speed at 50% is 1780 without load. Now that I have my head speed displayed on the radio I can adjust the head speed to 2100, 2200, 2300. Currently I am using the stock 21 tooth pinion. Who am I kidding yes I even got it off the skids just enough to make a smile. I had to smoke a cigarette afterwards.

This thing sounds so awesome. In real life these things operate so smooth.

Good deal! I finally got to get some air today myself, the guy I went with had a 500 sport Goblin, the thing was so quiet and smooth! Guess thats what happens when you step up into the arena of nicer helis!


Staff member
Unfortunately ahile driving back from class to grab the gobby, my windshield could not and would not stay dry. So this means no flying for right now. If at some point this weekend it happens to actually stop I will be out first thing.

As for the pinions, yes I was thinking the exact same thing. I would also ad the tail speed up gear to go with it. Once I actually get a decent break in the weather I will go out and tune up the head speed via throttle output. While 1790 got it off the ground it did seem that it wanted a bit more. I would like to get the pinion setup so that my highest head speed will be at around 85% throttle. My target is 2300 tops 2250 prefered. Once i get a chance to shake out the heli ill know more about what I want to do.

I guess its back to the sim.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, good call on the tail speed-up pulley. i have one fitted to both the 770 and the 630. The standard pulley tends to be optimised for running hardcore 3D headspeeds. Not something you need to do right away though because the tail hold will be fine for sport flying even with the stock pulley and moderate headspeed.


Staff member
Your right it does have a full canopy, that covers everything but the servos, fbl and the ultra guard. Oh and the radio, it doesn't cover the radio. But I will say, this grey cloudy day makes that yellow pop.


Well-Known Member
Congratulations on the maiden, she seemed to be working nicely.

PS.. I thought the video was good. I like the way you do the intro with the black and white video of setting the heli up as a background. I may shamelessly copy that style if you have no objection?
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Staff member
Nope none. it was supposed t be a sepia / old film over lay. I was thinking of doing something similar for an intro myself. Today is going to need to be a head speed adjust day. I was thinking of the wobbles I was having yesterday that wouldn't go away. I leads me to wounder if I am in the wobble zone. Once I get that solved then I work on the gain. I should be getting video of this today also. Oh another the thing the final output quality is somehting like 380p where as the original is 1080p. total bummer.


Well-Known Member
Goblins often get a bit wobbly at lower head speed. On the 630 much below 2000RPM tends to 'nod'. This is a result of the very firm head damping which is optimised for higher RPM and aggressive flying. I'm not sure what the critical RPM will be for the 570 but as a general rule the smaller the blade the higher the RPM needs to be.


Staff member
I figure I would go to 2150 - 2250 - 2350. I think that will be the sweet spot.

This was about as good as I can upload. I would put this on facebook but no one back knows I have it except one person. I think I have a new avatar.




Goblin 380 Supporter
Sweet looking heli you have there URI :drool:. I wish you many enjoyable flight with that bird.


Staff member
I'm going to try to find a way to fix this uploading issue. I'm not sure what is going on but I think it has to do with my PHP settings.

And I like that picture. And yes, I think it would make a great avatar!


Active Member
Heli is looking good Uri! Ain't that just how it goes? I waited a month before I could actually fly my 450L and 500 after installing my Spirit Pro because of time and weather! :(


Staff member
I got accomplished today what I was hoping for. Peeing on myself. LOL. For real though I got the head speed up to 2180ish while at 0 pitch. I was shaking so terribly bad I couldn't keep my hands still. Amazingly the wobblin goblin no longer exists. We are still have a slightly high amount of wind that I am not willing to deal with right now. I still need to get broke in on this bird.

I had one issue today and I forgot to plug in the positive esc lead. Totally forgot about the spark arrestor. Needless to say I don think that works any more. Plus I don't think I am going to use it at this point. Mentally I am screwing with myself. I know how to fly, I know my left and right orientations fairly well. The size of this Goblin while at the sticks is terrifying for me. I have to get out and fly this thing every day to get used to. Its definitely not the X3. Now I need to get that bad boy in the air in hopes to use that as the nerve calmer.
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