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I can assure you, my tractor is not that big, and it's NOT PINK! lol. Did a lot of work on it today. Mowed the yard, cleaned up the pile of gravel that was in my front yard and tested the tiller out. Have a slight issue and have to take it back to the dealer to get fixed. Small issue, pretty sure it was caused by a loose bolt. Either way, I will see if I can get a blog or something up on it. Just busy as hell trying to get all of this stuff done.


Staff member
Found out that the wife took a picture of me connecting the deck to the tractor. So here is a picture of the new tractor. Sucks that I have to take it back into the shop tomorrow for a simple little fix, but they want to fix it, so I'm going to let them.

John Deere Tractor.jpg

John Deere Tractor.jpg


Active Member
Looks good Tony, you look pretty farmerish on that thing.
Front end loader too! Nice! I see the faithful tornado shelter in the background too!
Ya'all need it in that twister playground up there! :)


Staff member
Farmerish huh? lmao. I did have my steel toe boots on, work pants, and my tshirt that I wear under my uniform shirt lol. Well, I say steel toe, they are actually composite toe. Much lighter.

And yell yeah we have a frady hold! lmao. Although that is not my house. That is my grandma's house. Mowed her yard as well lmao. This thing cuts the grass real nice!

Oh, and lets not forget about the camo hat lmao. Love this hat.


Staff member
Oh and yeah, I splurged for the front end loader as well. Adn let me tell you what, this thing is worth it's wait in gold. I moved a crapload of stuff today with it. And it can handle a full bucket load of dirt or rock. I was not sure if it would do it, but dude, this thing is great. Takes a LOT of work off of me!


Staff member
Yeah, it is costing me a good amount, but the amount of stress it takes off my back is priceless. I have gotten done about 3 weeks worth of work in just one day. There is still a lot of work to do but I'm sure, if this damn rain stops, I can have a lot of it done this weekend. Including burning about 20 years worth of brush.

I do need to do a new video of the garden. It's substantially larger now lmao.

And finally got my internet fixed here at my house. I thought the antenna died (I'm on a wifi based internet, only thing I can get out here in the sticks that has a badass latency) but it turns out, during that storm, the internet port on my nice Netgear AC router died. 3 days of no internet because of a friggin port. Figures. But, got that replaced and we are back up and running again.

Now to catch up on the website... Now that I have internet, and that I"m not pulling a 20 hour shift at work. Man, that was going to kill me.


Staff member
That's was funny. "I'm not the very aerodynamic".

Those you on my fb know I had a reverse job fair event and have seen what I have been focused on these last 2 weeks. Today was the day to wow the employers. I managed to get 10 resumes out and 4 of those took an interest in my skill sets. This article is poorly written but will give you (I hope) an idea of how it went.

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Staff member
Only of I set it all on fire at once lol. And can't do that because of the power lines overhead. Sure wish I could though.


Staff member
Oh trust me, I did lmao. The thing that takes the longest though is the space where I have to burn. It's between my house and my garden, and I don't want to burn my house down, adn I don't want to cook my vegetables (not yet anyway lol), so I have to keep the fire small. It did get pretty large at some points though. Pretty sure I'm going to lose two tomato plants. lol.

Got about 75% of that huge pile burnt and the wife is still up working on the other 25% tonight. Sure wish I could be out there at night, but have to keep my schedule.

Man is this little tractor great. There is no way I could have done this much work (with this many Ice Tea breaks lol) by myself. This thing has made things so much faster and easier on my back. However, the sun is still an issue. Got pretty red today. This is going to hurt tomorrow.


Staff member
Well, wife stayed up all night (she works nights, I didn't make her lol) and got the fire burned down a LOT. Most of that brush is GONE! Now, there is one pile that has other trash and stuff in it that I get to dig through with the tractor, hit the area with the box blade, then the tiller and pack the soil down and it will be ready for grass seed!!! Man, this has been a lot of work getting to this point. But, it's going to be worth it in the end, I hope lol.


Staff member
I now have that pile taken down and removed as much brush as I could. Now I have two large dirt mounds that have twigs and crap in them. Thinking about making a sifter to remove the rest. Man that is a lot of work lol.
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