450 MSH Protos Mini


Glad to see you are getting everything to come around for the better! That in it's self will help you to fly it better! Looks great now can't wait to see it all fancy & flying how you want it ! You know you will wear it out you will be flying it so much! Great!!! :lol: :twothumbsup:


Staff member
I hope to wear it out without scrapping it out.

Right now in normal mode I am getting about 5 to 6 minutes of flight per pack.


You know 5 or 6 minutes when your flying can be a long time ! Hope to get my 450 checked out & get a nice day to fly it! Hope you have good luck & fun also! :lol: :twothumbsup:
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Well-Known Member
Getting the swash level is key, I figured out this myfelf this fall. Do you have a leveling tool?


Staff member
Yes but no. The one I have is for a 4mm main shaft. My main shaft is 6mm, thats why I posted a few posts ago. If I know what size kit has a 6mm main shaft I will know what leveler to get.

When I leveled my EXI I noticed a huge difference in flight. I had zero trim on it, it was great.

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just did a quick search at amain to get an idea. I think the T-Rex 600E has a 6mm shaft so I think I might need to get that or I will need to get my 4mm swash tool bored out to 6mm.


Staff member
I was just trying to find out what size leveler I would need. Looks like I might be stuck doing the zip tie trick. I was close the last time I did it.


Staff member
That's basically what I found after googling for hours. I am not trying to drill out something that needs to be almost dead on. I think the zip ties are coming out on this.


Well-Known Member
I'm lucky to have access to a press drill, so getting it straight is easy for me. I just put the 450 plate onto a 4mm drill bit, clamp it in the vice, lift up the drill and remove the bit, replace with 6mm bit and drill, job done :) May be i should make a batch.


Staff member
Well if you feel froggy I will buy a 450 leveler drilled for 6mm jsu quote me a price. That goes for anyone who would want to do that.

My drill consists of a hand held masonry drill with bubble level.


Staff member
URI, I have a drill press and can drill it out for you. Just pay shipping and it's done. Maybe toss in a 10mm leveler ;) lmao


Staff member
Let me know the cost. I got to get PayPal setup again. This time with info I don't feel comfortable giving them.

Thank you.


Staff member
Im not too worried about the cost. Just send it to me and include return shipping and call it done. I will have to make sure I have the correct bit. Did yi u say this is 6mm?


Staff member
Just let me know when you are ready to get it. Its a quick trip to the store if I dont have the bit. Once you are ready, just pm me and I will get hou my addy.


Staff member
After doing some searching, send me a main shaft as well. That way I can make sure to get it just right.


Staff member
Wow two offers, tony I might just send it to you. Of course I would be down for a week or so but would be worth it. No intentions on ever using my leveler on the exi at this point.
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