450 A New Sport


Yup did that some time ago thinking that might be a prob....After I run a couple of quick items I hafta do I will get back on this. Today should be the day I get past this. If I could I am a lot closer to done than one might think as I have been thru most of whats left already... Thanks again Jesse.


Well I am very discouraged here. Thought I would try a couple of things before I head out for a couple of hours, and sadly with no luck. I have installed my two bearing blocks like I believe the manual says, I have tried everything Jesse has suggested, and I keep getting the same thing. Either I get a little play in the main gear, causing it to go up and down with the shaft, or I do not have a no shaft coming through the bottom of the main gear. Man this is crazy, and very frustrating.


EDIT: I looked at the manual for the ALIGN 450 PRO V2 3GX BUILD, and at least now I see why Marius posted the diagram he did and why I could not make sense of it. Turns out the bearing blocks for these two birds are not the same. There is no slant leading to the back of the heli on my blocks. Mine are perfectly square. So it's got to be how to place these things, but man o man I have tried every combo that I can see to try. In fact I can change this around in record time now lol.. HELP!
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Well-Known Member
I'm beginning to think your bottom bearing is up-side-down...

This is my bearings:



For now I have both bearings pulled, but I have had it the way you have yours. Did you pull your shaft to show me that? if so that was very nice of you I really appreciate it. If not you still had to take a picture of one and I appreciate that equally as well.I tell you I have put the shaft in with Align logo up and with it down.

I had tried, I think, every combination on the bearing blocks. The closest I came is with the original video I posted showing a little play in the main gear when the shaft moved up and down, by servos. The bottom bearing block according to the manual is the way you have it.

If I have the shaft with the logo on the bottom half, no combination of bearing block positioning will allow the shaft to come through the bottom of the main gear. It's close but not enough to show.

So again I am just scratching my head on this. I have finished my errands and decided to get another work table for my office. Hopefully when I get back I will have some better luck. Although at this point it is very discouraging as I am about clueless as to what to try. Funny thing is, I feel like it's something simple, and I will probably be in embarrassed when I/you guys find.

Thanks again for helping it is greatly appreciated.


I had about the same problem. make sure the bottom bearing has the lazer engraving that says Align facing up and the top bearing facing down. Use the shims that came with it. the main shaft has Align engraved on it and it should be on the bottom end of the set up. The shims will go on the shaft first, then drop it down through the bearings and install the main gear and check for up/down play. Good luck. I just test flew mine yesterday, very stable and smooth.


New Member
at this point im thinking the main shaft is not right for the sport may have to get the one with the adj. color
the main blocks go in the way i said looking at videos and instruction sheets. some thing is off the main shaft or the main gear is not all the way together


Cobieg, Thanks for chiming in. Glad you test flew and had a good run with it. I am running out of options here. If you read the last several posts by me then you know this is going badly. Believe it or not, I have done exactly what you state here. I have found a build and pics of my bird and it's exactly the same way as well. My top bearing had the logo inside and down, bottom bearing is logo up and inside, shaft is logo down, and still without shims the shaft will not come down all the way thru the hole at the bottom of the main gear. I have done it and done it and no go. Its very simple and yet I can not see what the problem is with this. The notch on the shaft is at the top of the top bearing and that's all it will go which is not enough to get thr the bottom of the main gear. Turns out I will have an ac call tomorrow, but when I get back to this i just dont know what to do. Maybe I will tear it all down and start over although I dont see that working either. Very discouraging..

Thanks again..

- - - Updated - - -

Just seeing your comment Jesse, I have been wondering if I got the right shaft, its just hard to believe that I would get the wrong one but its possiable though. Not sure what you mean adj. color ?

As the main gear goes, I can and do, put a allen through the holes of the main gear and the OWB shaft before I place it in the heli. Wouldn't the main gear have to be all the way together to do that? Then when I place the main gear in the heli and pull the allen out the shaft usually will drop a little. Then a little fiddling it drops all the to the notch on the main shaft and the top of the bearing holder, whic is noit enough to go thru the bottom hole of the main gear..


Well-Known Member
Hey, it's when you mount it the "correct" way, the main gear will not fit right?

Try taking out both bearing-holders, then press the bearings out. Add some oil/lube, press the bearing back in - real good this time. Maybe it's just the bearings that's not pressed completely down in place...?


hummm Ok will give that a try, Thanks Marius... Actually I did not remove them I left them as they were. They felt good and I think I read no need to pull them out. Looking at some othrs there seems to be some space on the open side about the same as I have. If I wanted to pull them oput do you know how I would go about that? Thanks
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Wondering cause I am desperate. Since I can get my shaft through and the holes of the main gear and the hole on the shaft to line up, meaning I can get my Jesus bolt through, wont it work even though there is no shaft coming through the bottom of the main gear? Its just barely not coming through?

EDIT aww and grrrr never mind ita dumb question or stupid statement. Man I am so close. I got to fly this bird. I am getting much better on the sim....
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Staff member
First make sure the main gear is completely compressed together, then install the main gear, once the shaft is in squeeze the main gear to the lower block to ensure that it is seated really well. If it still does not line up remove a shim if one is in place. If it still does not line up then loosen both blocks and squeeze them together while tightening your screws. If it still does not line up remove the final shim. If that still does not work then you need to consider a new main shaft or take to lhs and have them solve the mystery.


Staff member
The Pro and the Sport v2 use the same main shaft. On my Pro V2 I had to loosed the bearing blocks in the frame, and squeeze the hell out of them and then my bolt would just barely go in. If you watch teh videos I had said in an early one where the auto gear was way too tight. By squeezing these together, it allowed me to use NO shims and had a perfect fit.

When you put the bearing blocks in, you want them in a way that the main gear and the collar will hold the bearings in. Meaning with the blocks installed, the top bearing will go in from the top and the bottom bearing will go in from the bottom.

You are correct that the Sport and Pro are two different bearing blocks, and it's also a totally different setup for the servos, but they use the same shaft. I do not suggest the one with the slip collar because it's not as secure as the new Pro shafts.

So loosen up the blocks and pinch them together really well. Make sure the bearings are seated all the way and try it. If you have to, and this is a last resort, use a micro round file and file the holes a little to make the blocks sit closer together. Do this a very little at a time. You can always remove material, you can't put it back. From the sounds of it, you are just a fraction of a MM from getting this. Once you have it where the main gear will go in, loosen the blocks, install the main shaft into the bearings and use some thread lock and secure the blocks. This will assure you that your bearings are lined up. Good luck.


Staff member
Don't forget to loosen the servos as well.

I thought I would have had the most problems when I used the pro v2 shaft on my exi. I really like the new style of shaft. I had to use two shims in mine for the time being. All though that might change before the week end.


Staff member
On the sport, the servos are mounted to the frame, not the bearing blocks. So no need to loosen them on this heli.

And about the shaft, there was an issue when the first one came out on the first Pro. It had a collar on it that was spot welded to the shaft. This was known to break and cause excessive play in the shaft. The new ones however, the collar is actually rolled into the steel shaft and there is no way for it to break. does it create a weak spot that could break in a crash? Yes. But if you crash that hard, you are replacing it anyway. And with it breaking in a crash, it may save something else by the shaft giving way to the forces.


Staff member
My bad on the servos. I thought I saw a pic on here with the pro style blocks and that's why I mentioned it.


Staff member
yeah, there are a few pro style blocks pictured in here, but they don't apply to the OP's helicopter.


New Member
on my clone i had to lower the top main block by drilling out the wholes when i changed it over to the DFC head .
the shaft would not go down all the way and the lower half of the shaft is the same as the pro shaft witch is what the sport v2 uses
now mine is a clone so it may not be the same


Lots of great feedback thanks. I have a call today that going to take a bit but cant wait to get back to this. Tony even though you say last resort I think or bet I end up having to use the file. See pic because this is why the shaft wont go all the way down. Bearings seem to be in place by every pic I have seen. I will try the other stuff first...




I just looked at my new 450 sport v2. The shaft does NOT protrude beyond the gear it is almost flush with the bottom. I think that if you can get the shaft down and the screw through it, it should be good. unless it needs shims and they go on top ot the top bearing.
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