Official Phoenix Online Thread


Well-Known Member
Can't join, keeps telling me it is having issues connecting tot he server. odd. Never had this happen before.


Staff member
We will still be on. I will leave the session up for a while. Just sitting in the house flying the mSR and mCP-X right now lmao. Having a blast chasing the dog. Cat has already bounced hahaha.


Well-Known Member
Sorry I bailed on you guys. My wife needed to go to bed and my little girl was fussing. All is well now.

I'll see you guys on the sim another time.


Well-Known Member
I can only sim for 30-45 minutes before I start doing stupid stuff (dumb thumbing tail in, upright hovers). It's like my sense of direction gets worse and worse as I use it. I think it's because the heli is kept centered in the view instead of moving around in the field of vision a bit. It's artificial and ends up screwing with my head a bit over the course of an hour.


Staff member
Paul, click on System > Program Setup > Physics and turn down the camera speed. This will cause the helicopter to go a little slower while you are flying. Might help a little.


Well-Known Member
I use that for first learning a new maneuver, but can't use it much beyond that or else I end up with exaggerated control movements and I end up wasting a pack or two in RL flights taming things back down. :)

I actually sometimes do the opposite. I'll crank the sim speed up to 105 or 110%. Then when I fly RL it seems a bit slower so my control and reactions are much better.


Staff member
No, not the simulation speed, the camera speed. The top slider is for the camera, and the bottom slider is for the simulation speed.


Well-Known Member
ha ha ha, I just got booted from a flight session for no reason, lol. I was doing some prop hangin' and then BOOT!

So....The RCH flight session is now open and I'll leave it open all night. I may not be in the flight session all the time but I'll have the volume on my speakers up so if I hear a plane or heli flying around, I'll come check the flight session. Other than that, I'll be on the sim and off the sim periodically tonight..

Flight session name is: RC Help
password is: RCH (all caps)
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