450 450 HK vs TREX?


what is the differences in the align 450 pro, and 450 sport? and which one is better for a NOOB? I think this is the brand I am going to go with. It's gonna take be a bit longer to save for it, but that's how it goes:)


Staff member
The Sport is a V2 design, or the previous design. The Pro has better CoG since it has repositioned all of the servos on the body. The body is also narrower and has a new canopy design. I would go for the Pro all the way. I don't think I will ever purchase another v2 kit again.


Staff member
I don't see any reason other than additional mixing options that you would need a 7ch Tx/Rx setup. 6ch should work just fine.


ok now for another question... should I save for the super combo kit that comes with the align servos, esc, and all that stuff? of buy the bare bones kit, and get all of those things elsewhere?


Staff member
You will save a bit of money by getting the combo. And, you know everything will work together and you don't have to piece anything together.


Staff member
Depends on what aspect your looking at. They both have advantages and drawbacks. If just starting get a belt drive, less chance of stripping out the tail gears on a tail strike. TT have better torque and power to the tail, but strip out on the slightest tail strike. shaft drive and torque tube are the same thing, just different wording.


Mate read the last post in my build thread!! Theres a reason clones are cheap and in my experience buying a clone is a complete false economy!!
Sorry Im sounding so negative but there was nothing positive about my choosing Tarot over align!!


ok thanks murankar, I was kind of wondering if they were the same thing... now I know:) Jay, I have made up my mind, and will be saving for the align, thanks to posts like yours, and everyone's advice.


so as far as I can tell, all of the align 450 models pro, pro 3GX, sport, all have torque tube tails. Is there a way to convert a torque tube tail to a belt drive?


Staff member
I would say yes but you may not have align's parts. I think they make a belt drive heli just not sure witch model it is. Some web sights sell the align belt replacement. I have seen a video of a belt drive exi converted to the exi torque tube. exi does make a belt drive version of the pro. That's what i have now.
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Staff member
Shaft and torque tube are the same thing. If you are just starting out, get the belt and save yourself some headaches. And I'm sure they make a belt in all of the models you mentioned. Just give the companies a call and see if they can get their hands on it.


ok will do. Ya I'm just basically doing comparisons on that one website that I keep linking to. learn learn learn


Staff member
wow, they must have had a sale or all the other authorized dealers had a sale and left hh as a last resort. Hang in there if you want an Align.
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