Here it is, video #2 where I show you what I have right now for the helicopter. I know I was going to upload only one video a week, but this one was a lot like the last one so I decided to go ahead and upload it.

In this video you will see the helicopter, the engine, the muffler that we are TAKING OFF!!! as well as all of the servos, the damaged blades and some of the other electronics that will be going into this helicopter.

Most importantly, I tell you who had donated at the time of me recording this video. At this time, there is only one person left out and that is Derek (mountaindewdude76, he needs a shorter name lmao). And I still can't say what he donated because I don't have it yet.

Have a look and tell me what you think. Remember, we are still looking for more donations for this helicopter. We still need a starter, fuel and some other odds and ends to get this beast in the air.