What Did You Do Today???


Staff member
As for me I actually caught something.

I actually caught 3 white bass and 2 gobi. I don't count the Gobis. They are on a "kill on catch, do not return to water" alert.

These 2 could have been kept but due to the lack of time I threw them back. If I would have had 2 more hours and another dozen worms I would have maxed out.

P_20190623_165928_LL.jpg P_20190623_172834_LL.jpg


Staff member
You wouldn't be able to get a McNugget out of both of those fish. You need to come to Oklahoma and do some noodlin' lol.


Staff member
They were pulling 15 to 20 inch channel cats today. I just wasn't going for cats today. I was trying for bass and walleye. The walleye are still hitting off the break walls. Which is odd for this time of year. Normally they in deep waters right now off of the islands. Mid summer they migrate back to the Cleveland area but you still need a boat.

The yellow perch have not really started there run yet. That should have started 2 weeks ago. They run till late summer, September ish time frame. Then all the cold water fish start to run the rivers again to include the large and small mouth bass.

Rob Lancaster

Well-Known Member
After reading about how radars work I was wondering how the lightning detectors work? Does anyone know?
I figure it has something to do with radio waves in the kHz range...

Rob Lancaster

Well-Known Member
That's what I was thinking.
But how about this thought.
Triangulation obviously requires 3 or more received signals. But most of the lightning data that is now available for around the islands is of course off shore.
How's this done?
I'm start'n to think that all of NOAA's marine buoys have sensors on them now. Even the ones way the hell out there in the open ocean. There are a bunch of them to be sure... Yup I think I'm starting to see it now.
If it's triangulation, and it is, it has to be sensors out there.

Hey I saw the rain that blew through earlier today. We finally got a few drops today; hurray!

Oh hey; two more shells are wrapped, he he hee..... :twothumbsup:


Staff member
There are stand alone sensors that can give a rough estimation of a lightning strike. I just read about this. If you search "How Do Lightning Detectors Work", it should come up with the page that I saw. NOAA also has a page on this as well. Pretty interesting.


Staff member
I don't think we are going to get anything today. Maybe tomorrow, but unlikely from what I'm seeing. Hopefully it will dry out and I can take care of my garden which I have not been able to get back into.


Staff member
Might have an issue with some of our chickens. Yesterday I made eggs and two out of 5 were bad. Very runny and the yolk already broke. I boiled 4 today, and had two of them bad. Now to find out what is causing the hens to lay bad eggs. And more importantly, need to find a way to identify the bad eggs before cracking them. Float test is 50/50. Candling is again 50/50. So no good 100% way to do it that I know of... ugh.... Just one more thing that is going wrong.


Staff member
I as you collect the eggs keep them separated by hen . At least you will be able to narrow for down to which hen(s) is laying bad eggs.

Got 2 tents and a tarp aired out and put away. Cut my yard before the rains come in today. Still need to go to work yet. Joy.


Staff member
Our hens are free range and often more than one lays in the same box. So no way to segregate them. And no, we will not cage them by themselves.


Just back from the field.. all good except crashed the 550.

So strange, I got it into a hover and maybe only 5 feet in the air and then she just rolled over right , I hit throttle hold..appears to just be a set of blades.

Any idea what the hell could have caused that? In thinking maybe a link popped off? A few were off after the crash but I'm guessing one may have popped off before.


Flipped out the question while I was eating a bowl of soup. Lol

I brought the machine downstairs to the workbench.. did a look over and figured it out.
So basically, I'm a dumb ass. I'll go over the rest and detail it for you guys later. Lol


Staff member
Check the servo connections. Sometimes the connectors vibrate out just enough to lose contact.

Solution is to hit glue your connectors into the FBL system.


So Dumb ass here.:biglaugh:

I bought a new radio over the winter and have been slowly swapping over the settings from my old radio to the new for each of my models as I fly them. This was the first day at the field and taken out the bigger birds for a go round.
Although I programmed the radio I forget to go through the settings with the FBL... etc like the servo reversing wasnt programmed. In my preflight check I always verify to make sure the fbl is properly correcting for all directions including the tail and it was, but I DIDN'T CHECK MY RADIO COMMANDS ... so after lift off when it started to roll right, my subtle correction simple made it roll more as I should have had my aileron servo and my rudder reversed.
Just swapped out my blades , fixed my settings and went through the whole fbl set up again to be sure.. took her for a quick test hover in the driveway a foot off the ground, all good... have a tiny little bobble not sure if its the wash as i didn't want to get to high just in case. In any case ill loosen up the frame screws and re square it, check the torque tube and the tail hub but honestly dont think anything is bend as not even a nick in any of the gears as I wasn't fully spooled up and like I mentioned earlier hit throttle hold before impact.

All said an done, lesson learned. :culpability:
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