500 Tomorrow, it flies.


Super Mod & DEAL KING!
Good job there! Nice steady hand !!

The bird looked locked in and solid too!

Fly safe!! :) have fun!


sprinkling again. i hate this weather. i moved to the desert to get away from this stuff, lol.

I really wish that these battery packs weren't so expensive as well, I only have the one for the moment. Worst part is that my charger, though it says that it will do 6A, it will only put out 50W of power. At 6S, that is just over 2A. It takes over an hour to refill one of my LiPos. :*(


Staff member
Lee and I both used Turnigy's and they did quite well. I think they were only about $35 each, but don't quote me on that.


OK, I can try a Turnigy pack. The LHS that is closest to me blew out all of their Hyperion batteries at 25% off, claiming that the manufacturer was not allowing them to do returns anymore (load of crap since I call Hyperion to get the scoop after the LHS 50 miles away told me that it had to be a lie). I got the one pack from them, but it was their last 6S around 3000mAh.

They now have just Lectron brand packs, but the two Lectrons that I have for my 250 both have the same problem, one cell is noticeably lower in voltage within a few hours of balancing. :( The nearby LHS said that they had issues with Turnigy packs puffing and that is why they don't carry them any more.

I can try a Turnigy, but what is the warranty like on those things?


Those would probably work. You can see that I am pulling 25A from the pack in my CC logger image. 20C is 60A. Granted, I allocate another 10A for gyro, receiver, and servos that are running off of my BEC, that gets me 35A and is well within the range of what a 20C pack could handle.

But... I am only hovering so far, and using 85% throttle. Who knows what will happen once I start getting crazy. According to other users, this motor will easily pull 80+Amps from the pack when you start getting aggressive. :shocked: 80A at 22V is like 1700W...


True. I just have to find a place locally that sells them. Any other brands that are good so that I know what to look for?


Staff member
Turnigy is the only thing that I have used. And they are the cheapest. BTW, those links are for the USA warehouse in Washington. So shipping would be pretty quick down to you. No need to get them locally. This is one of the VERY FEW things that I will order from a china based company. And only because almost all lipos are made in the same factory, just different branding.


Staff member
I noticed a lot of folks using the turnagy's, are they as good as other brands or are they just the best bang for the buck?


Staff member
I never had a single issue with them. Never puffed up, on the 500 and 600, they were just slightly warm, always balanced even when I drained them flying and forgot to charge them for a month or more. I really like Gens ace, but so far, I have not found this size battery in them. And the 2200's that I had that Matt now owns were very cheap and the exact same way. Very reliable.


Well-Known Member
Here is an opinion from someone, myself, with little experience with lipo's, so just take this opinion as just that...my opinion. I bought several Turnigy lipos from Hobby King earlier this year when I first got into flying planes. I saw that they were very inexpensive ($7.99 for a 3S 2200 25C) and I wasn't real sure if planes is something that I wanted to do. After several failed flights, I finally had "sustained and controlled" flight. I was immediately hooked. So, I bought a few more lipos...the Turnigy Nano Tech 3S 2200. I've run these lipos (2 Turnigy and 2 Nano Techs) pretty much equally and I still have yet to have an issue with them.

When I bought my Trex 500, I did buy a $110 Outrage 6S 3000 70C lipo. However, if I would have known about HK's prices prior...I surely wouldn't have bought that Outrage from my LHS.

I do hear good things about GensAce from HobbyPartz.

anyway....that's my two cents.


OK, I'm sold on the Turnigy packs.

Now back to soldering. I gotta get my homebrew flight computer flight ready. :)

First thing that I am doing is logging rudder channel from receiver (i.e. human input) as well as gyro output (human input mixed with gyro correction). This will allow me to visualize just how much work the gyro is doing.

Soon to come will be a 3-axis gyro and accelerometer as well as full logging of all 6 channels on my receiver. This will allow me to evaluate not only the helicopter's performance, but my performance as a pilot as well by looking at latency for corrective input as well as over/under correction tendencies. With the right software, a trainer module could be made so that pilots can learn what they are doing incorrectly, and flight lessons can be created to correct bad behavior. To my knowledge, this sort of thing has not been marketed yet.


Well-Known Member
I'd like to recommend getting high C rated packs, not because of high supply rate - but high charge rate. At 1C any pack will take an hour to charge.

When at the field I charge my packs from a car battery, and I want them to charge as fast as possible - OR you can purchase 20 packs :D


Staff member
Unfortunately if the charger is rated at 50w, then it's programmed for that rate and even when you are on something like a car battery, it will still only charge at 50w. I'm looking for a way to modify the chargers to up this since you can get a higher wattage supply pretty easily and most are nothing more than a lap top charger. I have not found out how to do it yet though. If any of you know, I'm sure a lot of people would be thankful. And I will do a video on it and give you credit. The charger I have is the skycharger B6AC.
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