Quad RCX250 Mini quad Build thread


New Member
Hey Lee,

Really new to quads, and my RCX kit with CC3D board is arriving tomorrow...is the config you have running on your CC3D something you could share, or does that even make sense to do?


Well-Known Member
Each quad is individual to its settings.
In the vehicle set up wizard, I upload the MPX230 settings on the tuning page.
I have had a few flights on these settings, and they feel very good. Just need to drop the P gain on Roll a bit for wind or Fast flight.
Give those a try.


Thanks Lee for this build thread.
Im ready to build my first quad and think I am going in this direction.
4 x RCX 15A ESC Brushless Motor Speed Controller (SS Series)
1 x Multicopter Power Distribution Board (1-8 Connection / Blue / 45x45mm & 35x35mm)
1 x RCX H250CF-3K (DT Version) FPV Quadcopter (Carbon Fiber / Barebone Frame)
4 x Propeller Mount (Φ5mm / CCW / H1806 / Silver Bullet)
1 x RCX H1806-6 2400KV Micro Outrunner Brushless Motor (4 x Motor / 16 x 5030)
1 x APM 2.6 ArduPilot Mega Case for APM Mini V3.1
1 x APM 2.6 ArduPilot Mega 2.6 Flight Control Board (MiniAPM V3.1 / 35x35mm)
Should I get the PDB with BEC? Not familiar with any of the Flight Control Boards is the APM 2.6 good to start out with?


Well-Known Member
I'm running the 12A escs, but 15 is fine.
Same PDB as mine.
Frame is good. Some come really well cut, other have slightly scrappy edges. Depends on when it was cut. With a new tool or at the end of its life.
I have had both, but nothing that effects performance.
Why 4 CC mounts? The motors come with 4 CW, so you only need 2 CCW. I don't bother. I use 5mm nylon lock nuts.
Motors are some of the best out there, and cheap too.
As for the APM, I know nothing about this board.
My recommendation would be the Flip32 or the CC3D
If you don't want to fiddle with settings on the PC, then the KK2.1 does a fine job (easier to tune)
I have set up two of these quads with a KK2. Took me 5 mins to tune.
Any other help you need just shout. :)


Thanks for the info and steering me towards the KK2.1
Would a turnigy 2200 mah 20-30c battery work with this?


Well-Known Member
If you have a 2200, it will work. The quad will be a little sluggish/heavy.
My recommendation is the Zippy 35C 1800mah Compact.
I run the 1500. Lighter, better for acrobatics.


How long did it take to get your RCX250 mini quad from Myrcmart?
I orderd my parts 2/14/15 and they are still processing my order.
I'm sure Lee will chime in but when I ordered parts from them it took about 2 or 3 weeks. Which is not bad considering where they are coming from.


Well-Known Member
Yhe they take about two weeks from ship to door.
But as Kev said, its Chinese NY now. They close down the country for two weeks.


Still waiting Order Date: Saturday 14 February, 2015 I think the Chinese new year is almost over. Maybe they will process my order now.


No when I go into my account it says they are still Processing the order. I emailed them on 2/27 they responded

It was Chinese New Year Holiday. People in China will start coming back next week. We will post your order next week.

Sorry for the delay and inconvenience caused.

Im patiently waiting.
Walt as am I. I've been price shopping so much my eyes are bleeding. Really can't afford the fat shark scene right now but looking to get a small monitor thing going just to see how I like it. I've read stories in both directions as per goggles or monitors but the most important things are the transmitter and receiver side. it seems cameras are all over the place.
I actually came across some old video surveillance cams I had around the house and work and I may play around with them as I get components together. Both are Sony name brand and 1/3 cams but no markings that I can track down vtl's
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