450 Min/max Pitch?

Rob Lancaster

Well-Known Member
Awe shucks,,, I'm honored...
I'll lower the swash tomorrow and relevel it to further center the stick.
But must continue mission tomorrow, getting sleepy...…….
You guy's are da bes
PS> I didn't forget the -T-....LOL!


Staff member
Pre comp is a setting that adds tail input based on collective input. This setting has no set number. It will change as your flying changes.

Rob Lancaster

Well-Known Member
Wow guys how's this.
I haven't been able to get any closer with the head adjustments. (14+/- degrees with about 5 to 8 degrees + on center stick.

If I lower the swash to center the stick, it indeed centers out but the +14 degrees lowers and the negative side increases. This process can repeated till the swash plate is sitting on top the frame. There seems to be no end. I can't get the stick centered with both the + and negative side balanced. Note: I have a DX8 and I use the screen to center the stick to 50%..

Is it me or can I blame a cheap clone for this imprecision and slop?

I'll try anything to improve the numbers but in reality she does fly pretty good. With the exception of the tail kick. I'm getting ready to order the computer link so we can work out that problem later.
Thanks guys,


Goblin 380 Supporter
Hey Rster. You mention that it's a clone but my question is, did you buy this clone new or used? The reason I'm asking if you bought this clone used off ebay or a friend, it might be that you have the wrong linkages on it. I'm just throwing that out their.

Rob Lancaster

Well-Known Member
Hey no problem-o..
I got it new some 10 years ago.
Funny you should mention the linkages.
With all the trying to adjust this thing, the linkage ends are getting waisted. I have spares. Both HK and Align. Trouble is, with this clone you can't use all Align linkage ends! Your linkages will wind up way to long and can't adjusted out. When HK says this model is compatible with the Align Trex 450 SEV2,, don't you f$^#@n believe it! Ha! No way!!


Staff member
Just get the swash close to center. Since this is an flybar kit things will be rough but It will get close. Hounding be able to get everything dead center and dead zero. It won't happen unless you get lucky.


Staff member
Unless you plan on doing 3D with the helicopter, set the head up with the positive pitch you want, just deal with the negative and fly it. That is what I do on most helicopters if I'm being honest. I don't fly 3D though.

Rob Lancaster

Well-Known Member
Ok, sounds good.
Looks like another cold front coming in so I'll use the time to reset the blades to where I had it really close before.
Thanks guys... Stay tuned.………

Rob Lancaster

Well-Known Member
Hi guys! Update time...
Well it wasn't raining but it was a bit windy. Ah heck, I'm going for a test flight today, I ain't wait'n.

After I reset the head again; she again flies good.. The blades are tracking perfect too, with just a half turn on one of the blade linkages after spool up . For the technically curious, I was flying with the blades set at about a 11.3 average pitch. The swash was set at 75+ ……
Silver mark blade, pitch + 11.2 negative 11.3 and the center is +.2/3..
Blue mark blade, pitch + 11.5 negative 11.3 center is +.5/7..

I'm in the hangar again tonight and still playing with the numbers. When I dial up the swash setting to the max point, (94+),, where the washout block is just about to touch the heads base and the swash is barely touching the frame; once again the blades pitches move off the cherry setting. She still flies good though, not bad. HA!

Ok guys, time for the question of the day..
Now that I know I want to set my max pitch at about 13/13.5 degrees. That would be great for me. Shouldn't I just reset the blades with them in the 94+ swash setting position?? You know what I mean? Balance them out with the higher swash setting; right? Then if I go a bit lower, the over all settings should change as much; right??

I can't wait to see your guys response on this. Were almost there; yeah babee! ;)


Staff member
I wouldn't set it up that way. Set your max pitch that you want and call it good. No reason to put 17º on a helicopter just to turn around and tune it right back out.


Staff member
Your always better to do mechanical setup vs programming. Its best to do a thorough mechanical setup and the. Dial it in pragmatically in the fbl.

Rob Lancaster

Well-Known Member
Ok right,, I'm going to trick it out tonight now that I understand what I'm doing.
I got really calm weather coming in and I want to be ready.
Stay tuned.

Rob Lancaster

Well-Known Member
Alright!! She flies great!
She's tracking and trimmed up good. I got my 13 degrees pitch with only a +88 swash setting.
The winds continue to ease, so tomorrow I'm going to fly 4 more packs..

Now I want to move on to the tail kick.
I'll contact Spartan and between all of us well solve that little detail soon...
Thanks guy's!!,,


Staff member
If its tail right when adding collective then its a Pre comp setting. You will want in adjust that setting so the gyro adds tail input on collective. Aggressive collective input that is.

Governors can do the same thing. Some governors are programmed to this. So try and eliminate the governor as a source of negative tendencies.

Rob Lancaster

Well-Known Member
Yeah, it kicks to the right and still twitches back and forth just a tiny bit...

Ok guys; try not to laugh to hard, but in this case when you say (governor) are you talking about the governor in the ESC? Or are you saying I need to alter the digital program inside the gyro it's self?? If so I need to buy the datalink so I can hook up the computer to the gyro.

Were almost there! I flew 4 packs today and got her up so high, it took some time to bring her back to earth. She's hovering great too, wow, nice!

Fun, fun, fun!


Staff member
We are talking about the governor that governs head speed. It's like cruise control for your main rotor. Sometimes if you don't have the PID settings just right (advance programming there), the governor can be a little lazy causing a tail kick when you add collective. The governor can be in the ESC or it can be in the gyro, but on most electrics, it's in the ESC. That is the way I have it on all of my electric helicopters. My nitro is done through a fan sensor into the Ikon gyro.

Rob Lancaster

Well-Known Member
Ok; that would be the governor in my ESC. (Hobbywing Platinum 60A V4)…
Now when you say PID settings, what are those? Remember, I do have the ESC's program box so no problem there. Now there is mention of a governor parameter P and I settings. But I have no idea what their talking about in the manual.
I take it the pre-comp setting (if needed) is done by connecting the gyro the computer right?


Staff member
Don't worry to much right now about the P and I (proportional and integral gains). At this stage just worry about the main gains.

The main gain should be just high enough to hold head speed at a hover. As you consistent for the bogging sound or drop in head speed. If that happens then add 5 points to the main gain. Repeat that same maneuver that dropped the head speed. If it happens again land rinse and repeat till the head speed doesn't drop.

Rob Lancaster

Well-Known Member
Ok will do...
I noticed a small bogging sound while stabbing the pitch. How did you know... :biglaugh:
I have been from one end of the scale to the other with the main gain settings. But only trying to tune out the tail jitter in a hover. I'll see if I can't stabilize the head speed more by going over it all again. I'm not expecting much of a change though.
Stay tuned, thanks,
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