Setups FPV Thoughts


Well-Known Member
Duh...I feel like a dork. I was so engulfed in FPV I forgot these things fly on radio signals lol.
Maybe I should get an RC car lol

A car is not such a silly idea for your first taste of FPV.
That's what I did to see what it was like with the goggles on.
Even a cheapy car just for a start.
Well I pulled the trigger.
After a lot of research and trying to squeeze the blood out of the turnip I decided to go with a lesser
priced setup just to give me an idea of the FPV world.
I went with Hobby Kings items.
TX and RX:

I realize I may experience things about this setup that may be undesirable but I needed to spend the least amount I could.
I did a lot of research on both the Fat Sharp goggles and Monitors.
After reading what seemed to be hundreds of forum responses to the HK DYI Goggles I really couldn't find
anyone that after it was all done and said...hated them.
In some cases most of those reviews were from guys who owned Fat Shark.
Since HK sells a combo goggles/RX TX the RX TX part of that combo was weak and was the only reason I didn't jump on the 99 buck combo.
Again I researched reviews and most everyone who went the lesser version of the RX TX combo complained
about the obvious....signal strength
So I looked over their upper class RX TX combo and did my research.
Overall 80% of the info I read was positive responses, the only things they mentioned
that they added was different antennas and turned out to be a decent setup especially for beginners.
Out the door with shipping it was pennies under 150.00
Later down the road if I decide FPV is for me (which I feel it will be) then I will have the knowledge
and at that time mo money to invest in a better setup.
I just could not at this point justify 300 bucks for goggles.
I may end up kicking myself in the rear but I am confident after all of the reading I will not fall too short
and will have a decent experience overall.
Once I get everything setup I will give you my honest report. :)
While I was at it I ordered some more batteries for the 250 from the East Coast facility.
Well I received my DYI stuff today.
The Goggles are not as big as I was expecting so that's a good thing :)
I was imagining myself walking around with a toaster on my head LOL.
The Cam/RX/TX seems to be well made and solid.
It does not feel chincy at all, I was surprised.
I honestly expected something that looked like someone made it in their basement
but overall the set seems pretty decent.
I received everything at work so I couldn't just hook it up and start playing :/

Pretty much comes with everything I need to plug and play.
One thing I was afraid of was the antenna for the TX, most of the cheaper sets
have masts that do not bend or at least stay bent, the TX in this set bends
and stays in place which is good since the set does not come with a L adapter.
Once I get it hooked up I will post more on this package, pics as well.
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Staff member
Cool deal. I'm hoping the weekend gets here pretty quick so that I can start the FPV videos. I almost came home today and stuck it all on there and had some fun lol. But, decided to just charge one of the new batteries and take it out for a flight. Man, this thing is quick with this light battery lmao.

And one investment you should get is a set of circular polarized antenna's. You will notice, when you bank the quad, plane or whatever, you will start losing signal until you get the antenna's lined up again.
I did get a chance to power it up.
Video seems pretty clear.
Had a heck of a time trying to figure out the dip switches
for the channels...I've never been good with Dip switches :(
Played around with the Goggles and the lenses.
Selected one that makes it very clear.
The kit comes with an XT 60 connector to power up the RX and the monitor
at the same time so I made an XT60 to EC3 adapter since all of my batteries are EC3.
Now the fun begins...putting it together.
I was reading prior to the purchase that the TX gets pretty warm, I had also read that most do.
Man did that little guy get warm, a lot warmer than I thought they would be.
I suppose once air moves over it, it will not be too bad.
More to come
Well I went looking at Antennas....
HOW MANY ANTENNAS could people actually sell?
OMG there has to be thousands out there.
So whats a guy to do?
I know I need a better setup then what I have I mean mine are LH circular polarized antennas
but outside of that I see left hand, right hand, crazy mushrooms, blue belly pigs, Spirographs......:homer:
I seen so many today they all look the same.
What makes one better than the other.
I seen 2 for example that look EXACTLY the same....10 bucks on one set...100 on the other????


Well-Known Member
The difference between similar looking antennas of varying prices, is normally how well the are put together and tuned.
Anyone can solder together a set of circular polarised clover leaf antennas, but only the experts know, how long the antennas need to be,
Angle of the lobe etc.
The cheap ones will work, but as you get further away, you will see, the better ones don't lose signal as quickly.
So do you use Spironets on your setup Lee?
I was told at the beginning of this that the antennas are
one of the most important parts of FPV.


Staff member
Spironet is what I use. Still need to play with then for an opinion but they are supposed to be really good.
Ok to avoid confusion on my part. :help:
The VTX and RX I have states the connectors are RP-SMA on both.
So if I purchase better antennas they too need to state RP-SMA?
Well as mentioned in my 250 build post I tried out the FPV setup I purchased from Hobby King.
I was able to get out to about 500 feet in a clear area and the setup produced what I felt
was good to very good video.
I only had one instance where it kind of checked out for a few seconds but the quad had
landed a bit hard and did a back flip on its top so the antenna was buried in deep grass about 400 feet away.
As mentioned I am going to get a better set of antennas only due to the way the cheapy antennas are made.
Seems as if they feel loose even though the nut is tight.
I may try to squeeze some heat shrink over this area to help reduce the floppiness.
As per the goggles, they are not heavy but more so top heavy in that they want to fall down
the front of your face a bit.
I got around this by adding a strap that starts at the top of the goggles and
then attaches to the head strap behind my head which for the most part
eliminates the drooping.
The video was a clear as I expected for the cost however I have yet to
test out other goggles (Fat Shark, ect) to do any fair comparisons.
So for now and for 130 bucks total investment I am very content with the overall
Once I get this FPV thing down I am going to fly her as far as I can to see how it reacts
to longer distances and report more there after.
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