Blade Fusion 360 servo creep


Well-Known Member
As I said... it isn't about the number of channels that drive the cost, its the other features. My own transmitter has more channels than I need... but I bought it because of the features it had that I wanted... the number of channels is beside the point once they have enough for the channels you need.


New Member
One step above the NX, would be the IX, i do like a touch screen though, i would only ever need an extra channel for lights, as you can see in my pics, i have a thing for lighting things up, started building light kits back in the 80s, im finding i really don't like the voice, i prefer the vibrate, or tone, darnit, i should of gotten the IX.


Well-Known Member
Lights are certainly a fun one for a channel... landing gear is another. A lesser used one is for a bomb drop release. Perhaps a decked out bomber would have some guns they could point in different directions. Oh, bomb bay doors on one channel with the drop on another. Flaps on any aircraft or gliders with spoilers.

If you have a gyro, perhaps one to switch from head holding to rate modes. I'm unsure how the multi-copters do their tricks like flips etc... I assume it is with momentary switch channels or similar.

I think the most I've ever used was 6 and two of those were for ailerons. I did get extra channels just in case I wanted something else later... but it was the features my radio had that were the reason I got it apposed to something with just enough channels and nothing more that was less expensive. Of course, I had to save up longer in order to do it but I've been really happy I did.
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