General Align 3GX / Help


Active Member
ya ya get another one but get the 700e dfc super combo and when your done I'll buy it lol jk I'm building that one


New Member
Hi, thank you for yr reply, i already have the bird flying, head its perfect to the .1%, but i'm still getting shakes up and down, and side to side, but on spools and hight climbs and decends the heli is solid, but all this happends on forward flight, try twekng it on the software, but nothig, havent don it on the dials on the unit, there all in the middle, would that affect the gain if i move it?. Probably trying to bring down the aileron and elevator gain on the unit.


Well-Known Member
Use the gain pots on the 3GX unit.
If there is a slow wag, then increase the gains.
If there is a fast jittery wag, then decrease the gains.

The head must be set up PERFECT.
When servos are 90, the swash should be perfectly level.


New Member
Thank you very much, you guys have informed me alot. I really appreciate. Yes the swash is perfectly level and the servos are 90.


New Member
Well guys, i flew it Saturday at 20-25 mh winds with gust of 15-20 and it flew rock solid, I'm tweking it bit by bit till i get it to the perfect point, but is almost there, did couple of rolls and loops, i'm gonna have a vid make and some pics taken and share it with you guys, so you could see it, i also did the static mod to the unit. Thank you everybody that helped me: Stokke, Tony and adam.

Thank you guys, i'm looking on buying a beast now and mount it on another bird, to see the difference, but this one is working for me.
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