
  1. M

    My RC Planes and Quadqopters.

    I started out with a small Cub S. It's a great trainer plane but not with any wind over 5.mph. I lost two of them due to mother nature. So far number three has never crashed. The small battery has something to be desired though. They did a great job on the foam. It doesn't want to come back...
  2. S

    Misc Hobbyking Hex-Copter Massive help needed Choosing a Electrical Setup - My First Time!

    Hi Guys, This is my first time building my own RC Hex, I have the Frame I have that all built and ready to go. However I am struggling understanding all of this Motor, ESC, Battery Jargon. I have watched tutorial after tutorial and come to the conclusion I am thick and Cannot understand it...
  3. A


    Hello, I have been interested in RC anything for years, but tend toward anything for taking Aerial photography. I got a Slow Stick years ago, and mounted on a camera on landing gear, camera worked great, my flying now so much! Then the Drones began to show up on the internet and with GPS...
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