FBL Gyro Spektrum Dx6


New Member
Hey Guys
I want to finish my goblin fireball. However, I have the following problem with the remote control (Spektrumdx6):
If I move the left joystick upwards (gas) then the Roll and Nick channel also move on the servo monitor. I already have the mixers OFF but I do not know how to continue. Is it on the remote control or at the Bavarian Demon 3x (FBL)? Pleas help me!


Staff member
No, these are permanentmagnets - maybe after manymany years.
I have absolutely no idea what you are saying here..... Please explain...

As for the Tx, on a collective pitch helicopter, even in 1 Servo 90º or "Normal", when you move the collective ("gas" as you call it), it is going to move the aileron, pitch (which I think you spelled as "Nick") AND elevator. This is just the way Collective Pitch works. It's a "Collective" group of servos working together to move a swash plate to make a helicopter do what it does. Hope this helps.
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