Batteries Why do Cars need two batteries?

I'll get some more photos of my car. but if you have a look in member pics you will see a photo of it, but i'm going to get some close ups of bits and pieces as I clean the grass out of it.
Mine is on 4s and it hoots along!! I have huskies, and this thing keeps up with them not a problem... in actual fact I think it's faster than they are, and they can move!! Especially when they aren't harnessed!! I've had them harnessed up pulling me on a bike and had a top speed of about 30km/hr was impressed with the little buggers haha
I'm also only running it in a small backyard and haven't had a chance to really stretch its legs yet.


Love the sound of nitro :) that brushless truck looks under powered. Maybe that's typical 4S power? I've never ran 4S so I don't know what it's like.

Are both those trucks just rear wheel drive? Looks like they are having a blast though.
The Brushless truck is only running 2s, the yellow truck is 2 x 4 and the nitro is 4 x 4
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