Video playback issues


Well-Known Member
For the last month or so, I have had lots of problems playing videos from youtube. I'm using Safari but I know Gaba had issues with Firefox too. The problem is the video doesn't start properly, sound is out of synch and it crashes regularly.
After searching around, I found the problem.
Youtube has placed random people on a HTML5 trial which is to take over from Flash player. I was one of them, but as far as i know it wasn't mentioned anywhere.
So the HTML5 seemed to be in conflict with the Flash player.
I right clicked on a video to get to settings I turned off HTML trial and everything started to work normally.
Also you can try in settings, to disable hardware acceleration.
Hope these options help someone.


Staff member
Yeah, I hope html5 does take over flash. Flash is just so out dated and it's time for something new. However, I think Apple has a lot to do with this change. They have helped push it by not putting flash on the iPhone lol. Glad you posted this up, should help some people.


Staff member
There was more to it than that. W3C felt that flash was not perfect standard for cross platform compatibility, plus it is a big bandwidth hog. Also W3C decided that HTML 4 was out dated for the times and wanted to update it for a media rich internet. Now at the same time web programing scripts have been on a rapid update cycle to accommodate media. So W3C and decided to combine JavaScript and HTML5 to encompass a media rich internet that has a standard. One issue with this is that Microsoft has never really played well with W3C due to the fact that MS wanted to dominate the PC world. Recently MS and the W3C had a conference that finally bridged the gap between IE and other web browsers. At this point I believe that IE is trying to gain back market share by being more complaint with the web standards.

I believe that Safari is a W3C complaint browser. Another humdinger is that Adobe is claiming that they are wanting to ditch flash, it's replacement is Edge.


Well-Known Member
@Frank Its all videos, not just mine.
As long as I can watch videos, I'm one of those people who use computers but don't really know how it all works :D Or should i say don't really care LOL :)


Fearless Freep
@Frank Its all videos, not just mine.
As long as I can watch videos, I'm one of those people who use computers but don't really know how it all works :D Or should i say don't really care LOL :)

You must be an APPle owner Lee. If you had a PC, you would care, believe that lol.


Staff member
Funny you said that. On youtube there is a guy called Spatry. His series is called Spatry's Cup of Linux. Instead of coffee.


Staff member
The joys of working in IT, I get to see the myriad ways that users can break ANY os. I got some users that probably shouldn't even have calculators, let alone the computers they sit in front of.


Fearless Freep
Then we definitely have some common ground, the three of us posting here this morn. Besides RC that is. I only had 80 workstations to deal with, but at the time it was Win 98 with Novell and NT servers. Not doing that gig anymore.
12:00 flashers. God love 'em.

300 posts :p
couldn't help myself


Staff member
Whats even more odd is that without my services we are all dead in the water for communication.

Win98 wow thats old in PC talk. Thats about when I got into linux. back in those days Linux did not play well with all hardware. Lots of config files to tinker with.


Staff member
Ya, we got about 350 users here and were a novell shop until 2 years ago. That transition was definitely interesting.

My buddy switched to linux at that same time. He spent 6 months in his parents basement huddled over his monitor figuring it all out.


Staff member
Possible, keep in mind that the HTML5 standard is not in full effect yet. W3C and the web browser companies are still working out the details as to what the final standard is going to be. In regards to the flash version, this could be the reason why it is taking longer to stream. I've been having streaming issues now for about a week, I cant fully buffer the video unless I am playing it, this means that I have to watch a video in chunks and then re-watch it all the way through. I also connect to the web through my 3G network so I get limited by that.


Back in the 80's, it was "Amiga OS" coupled with Amiga hardware that ruled. Unfortunately, Commodore sat on their butts. NewTek and their "Video Toaster" kept it alive in the 90's. Interesting enough, the new resurection of Commodore has gone with a version of Linux Mint for their OS . . . which I am running on my HTPC :)

My desktop is setup to look like "Mac Lion" to tease the Mac lovers in our family :lol:
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Staff member
So cool, teasing the other people that is. I think the commodore OS is still in beta, could be wrong though. The only thing I did not like so far is the blue theme they use. At first I liked it then I thought about after using for month, would I get tired of it. It does however look solid, of course it is what I am I thinking. I wonder how long it will take for them to quit using the mint branch and make their own branch.
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