450 Tarot 450 V2 V3 Torque Tube Tail Rotor Unit


Staff member
If the boom is sliding forward, put some scotch tape on it and that will keep it from loosening. If you are new to flying, I would not suggest a TT tail. Gears strip quite easy.

To answer your question though, I don't think the front tail block will work, but everything else should. But I'm not 100% sure the block wont' work. Worst case, you will need to order a V2 front tail block.

But I would highly suggest trying the tape and sticking with the belt. Even SAB Goblin's use a belt.


Active Member
Hi Tony your right front block will need to be changed as the boom on the torque need to be pushed in a lock in the block , the autorotation gears are the same 106T ,if it was me I would buy a complete set up from block back , but belts are more forgiving for a beginner , if you land in grass that just a tiny bit long the torque gears will strip


Staff member
Thinking about this after waking up (not dog tired from running to Dallas and walking around for 4 hours in 105º heat), I have the SE V2 and I put the V3 front tail block on it. I can't remember if the sport and SE have the same frame designs. I want to say they are. The SE V2 had a separate piece that held the tail drive gear, and the V3 incorporated it into the tail block. You lose one mounting hole per side, but it's still just as strong.

Here is teh tail block they are showing for the Sport V3. It's the same as my SE V2.


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