Talking with the old man

Was out with the folks yesterday, walking around getting stuff for the baby while we can. Mum and the wife off going gaga, so Dad and I do what guys do, and started talking about helicopters.
Happened to mention Gabbas recent grass cutting with his chopper.
We were having a good laugh, and then Dad had to take it into the real world haha
His mate was in Vietnam as a scout. One mission he had gone deep into enemy lines, did what he had to do, and then called for his support to come lift him out.
The aussie chopper found a nice clearing, and upon looking out, noticed the guy surrounded, and told him to find a better spot, cos they weren't landing there.
As luck would have it, there was an American chopper near by and heard the discussion.
He looked around, and found a partial clearing, but there were a bunch of saplings around. Told the bloke to meet him there... so as the helo came down, there were saplings loosing height very quickly!!
So we cut grass with ours, the American chop down trees with theirs!! hahaha
Long story short the guy got lifted out safely, and that clearing was well and truly cleared after that! ;)


Super Mod & DEAL KING!
Hahahahha hahahahha that was awesome!!!!

Chopper pilots do that sometimes... More because they can hahahahahahhahahahahah (jk!)

I have heard some stories from my co workers like that! This is too awesome! :D

Fly safe!! :) have fun!
I could believe it!!
Was a pretty awesome story, and certainly helped pass the time while walking through all the baby isles in at the shops lol
I reckon it would've Anthony!!
Seeing these little saplings chopped up by a massive heli!
Just wish the old man knew what the choppers were. I'm guessing the US chopper was probably a huey, but no idea. At least a Huey in my head looks good


I have read some awesome heli Vietnam books .... The best I have read with awesome mission stories is "Lest We Forget" It is an awesome read! ... if anyone has the time!... I wanted to get some of his fellow pilots books about the same the Kingsmen, 101st Aviation Battalion, 1968

I may have to have a look out for that one.
There are some awesome stories out there that I'd love to read. Everything from the 2nd world war up to the end of the cold war. My favourite time in history, especially with the advancement of aeronautics. I'll admit usually for me it was aircraft that got me going.
Spitfires, mustangs, corsairs, lightnings, me 262, meteor, phantom 11, the warthog and the list goes on... just a few of my favs
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