General RC Noob - Need help... DX9


New Member
Hello, I watched one of you vids on YT about updating software on the DX9. I had the issue as you did - cheap SD card. Used a better one and no issues.

I need some help with my radio and plane. All new to me! Is there some where I can find info on how I should set up my radio for a total beginner? DX9 has a lot of options and most of them mean almost nothing to me so I am not sure what I need and what I should forego until I get some flight time. A video on what is important for a beginner would be great!




Staff member
The most important thing is setting your dual rates. If you click the roller, the second menu (I think) is your Dual Rate (DR) and Expo menu. In there, you will set your dual rates to what the manual states for different throws on the control surfaces. Your expo I would start off with about 35-45% positive. This will tame down the sticks in the beginning throws.

I will see what I can do to make a good video on setting up an airplane. I'm sure you have noticed, most of the videos on here are about helicopters and some quads. I have planes, just never liked flying them much. But I will see what I can get done.
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