Raining big time

Rc-Help Member

I Love This Site!
It's raining like a sumbit!!!! Flash flood warnings are every where. The power is out and wife and I are in the travel trailer wid the generator running. Dang what a mess.


Super Mod & DEAL KING!
I'll take some here in Texas!! Seriously dry here.. But did have nice 75 degree all day today! That was nice! :)


I am El Taco!
Remnants of my son on your door step (well, the TS was named "Lee" :chuckles: ). I hope you guys get put back together easily. We had ours about a week ago. Luckily, Katia is staying out to sea (or so it would appear). We'll see what else the Atlantic is going to throw at us later this year. We have a couple more months of hurricane season left.
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