Precision Landings???


Well-Known Member
I've been flying on the Phoenix Sim for a bit over a year now and I've learned alot and I really feel that I've progressed positively. Sure, there are times that I'll get on the sim and just fly around, stir the sticks, and just play around. I also get on the sim and work on orientation drills and "seriously" practice new moves and tricks. Something that I never really thought about practicing was "Precision Landings." Actually landing my helicopter in a particular spot. Sure, I can do an auto rotation and land the helicopter, some what, near me, but can I land the helicopter in a particular spot....repeatedly??? Well, that's what I was working on today.

Precision Landing.jpg

I clicked on "Flying Site" and clicked on "Layouts." There are 4 selections for ground targets. "Landing Target", "Precision Target", "F3C Box", and "F3C Area." I chose the "F3C Area." I would fly around...some of it was just fooling around and some of it was actual practice or drills and then I would actually try to land in that center area, or as near to it as possible. I actually found this to be tricky. I would go in to the "Inflight Tuning" in the "Edit Model Attribute" and play around with the Expo settings. Not making any major adjustments, but I did find that I was actually flying the helicopter around with too much Expo. The excessive Expo actually made it much harder to land in a specific spot. I dialed down the Expo on the Elevator and Ailerons and found it to be much easier to land on the center with a lesser amount of Expo and I was still able to fly around with flips and rolls and inverted and all that. time you are on your simulator....try some "Precision Landings" and see what kind of results you get. Are you doing well at your landings? Maybe you are like me and just needed some practice.

After all....getting the heli into the air is the easy part. THROTTLE and positive pitch. Landing your helicopter in a specific spot...repeatedly....with no damage??? Well...that could be tricky.

Good luck and try it! Share your experiences. Share your results.

Precision Landing.jpg


one thing I just figured out last night ..... how to get the heli to get that DRIFT on take off that catches out newbies!

I have found the setting to get a heli to do it!!!!! :encouragement: go up to settings and model ... Edit...... and do what I have shown in the below pic!
Tail Wash Drag.jpg

Tail Wash Drag.jpg

Graham Lawrie

Well-Known Member
There are many features in Phoenix that most users are unaware of. Phoenix was all i had to start with before i had a heli. On top of that i was never sure of any changes i made to it were correct. But given my understanding now, and what i have learned from the forum, Derek i would think that having expo on, like me ,mine is set at 30, it "dumbs" down the response, so i would think you could not land where you want accurately? Also the flybar feature makes it even more user friendly, which enables you to practise hovering positions and orientation. If you increase the size of the heli it slows everything down and helps you to practise inverted flying:) Phoenix is a strong tool that most of us dont, use to its full potential or are awareof all its features.

I liken it to a mobile phone, they have many features that no one ever masters, we just use what we need to get us by, until someone says, " have you tried this"
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