General pitch/throttle settings for a novice

I have my helicopter set up for a novice and wanted to know if this is a good starting point. I want the heli extremely docile and just want to practice simple hovers and very slow and controlled foward flight. The settings I have atm are

Trex 450 pro dfc 3gx v3.1 with Dx7s

Collective -2thru+10
Cyclic +8
Pitch curve 34-54-70-89-100
Throttle curve 0-50-85-95-100

swash is perfect center in the range of -13 to +13
Throttle hold is set to kill the motor and maintain pitch I have not worried about setting up IU1 or IU2 yet. once i get these basic dir program settings the way I want them/recommended to me I will then watch Tony's video on how to nerf down the 3gx via computer settings...any recommendations would be great


Staff member
I always suggest that everyone start out with a pitch curve of 46-48-50-75-100. The reason for this is so when you are ready to start flying idle up, yoru pitch from mid stick up will not change. And you will have 0 pitch at mid stick as you should.

For throttle curves, I suggest 0-40-65-65-65. The reason for this is it makes the gyro work less hard and gives you a flat curve to fly with, again, getting you ready for idle up. You will still have plenty of power, trust me, but it will be MUCH more stable in the air. You can bump that from a flat 65 to 75 if you wish.

On collective, you state -2 to +10, but in the last paragraph, you state you are at +-13. I would highly suggest 10º of total collective.

On the 3GX, you can also go into the flight mode settings and tame this gyro down. I have a couple videos on that. Just click on teh Articles tab above, and on the left, click 3GX Setup. Hope this helps.
i centered my swash with -13 +13 then after that i changed swash settings to achieve -2 to +10. are you saying you want me to do -10 to +10? Im afraid to give it too much negative incase i panic and slam the heli into the ground. I gave it slight negative so if im in an emergency I can hit throttle hold and autorotate it down


Staff member
That is exactly what I'm saying. Make sure to do this with throttle hold on, and make sure you have a linear pitch curve set in yoru Tx. Linear being 0 25 50 75 100.

Your normal mode flying will be 46-48-50-75-100, and this will limit your negative pitch. But you MUST set it up with equal travel at first as you did before.

I think I'm confusing you though lol, I tend to do that. If you set it up with 13-13, then adjusted your pitch curves, then you did it correctly.


Staff member
In DIR mode, you MUST have 8º. No more, no less. This way the gyro knows where 8º is at. In the flight mode settings, you can adjust the settings to tame it down, or make it more twitchy. Again, I have videos on this and the videos are made for a novice pilot.
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