Picture Upload Issues


Staff member
I still don't know what the issue is with the picture upload issue. But I have logged into my Registered User Account and was able to upload two pictures without issue. Use this thread to test pic uploads and tell me if you are getting an error.




Staff member
It appears that if you use IE9, you can upload pictures. Any other browser, and it will fail. At this time if you need to upload pictures, use Internet Explorer 9 until we can get this issue resolved.


Well-Known Member
I have firefox or safari. So i guess i'm stuffed until its sorted. Well as long as its fixed for when i get home in 10 days :D


Staff member
I have not given up on this yet. I have people working on the issue as we speak. I'm hoping it will be resolved today if all goes well.

Also, I may be doing an update to the forum here soon, and that may help out. But I have not had any issues with this version and the uploads as far as I know. I guess only time will tell.


Spagetti Pilot
I haven't had any issues at all Tony! I've got to use iether my laptop or desk top. My I pad won't let me send pics from it cept for e mails.


Staff member
Your lappy and desktop are also using IE9. For once IE is not throwing issues and all of the other ones are. I don't understand it, but I just granted access to my server via SSH for them to take a look. Hope they get it figured out soon.


Staff member
Okay, I have changed the upload from flash to ajax upload editor. Let me know if you have issues. If so, I will dig some more.


Staff member
The bad thing is you cna only upload one pic at a time unless you click on "Go Advanced" next to the submit button, then scroll down and click on "Manage Attachments". A new window will pop up. In the top right, there is a button to upload the pics. If you click the + button on the page that opens, you can add more than one pic. I'm still working on teh flash issues since that is a much better system. It will just take some time.


Staff member
The rumor mill on the net is that adobe might be doing away with flash since html5, ajax and other technologies are performing a lot better. So it might be a good thing to be switching over to another technology at this time.


Staff member
That is correct, but you can upload with any browser now. We are still working on the issue to get the flash uploader fixed so we can get rid of the ajax uploader.
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