Micro New portable landing pad for my Helis.


I have been using a piece of siding, or a pieces of wood to fly my helis form In the grass. I decided I wanted something better. I had a chuck of 1/8" hard rubber lying around, like you line the drawers of a tool box with, but not the foamy stuff, though it might work fine and a sheet of Coroplast, The stuff you see Yard sale and construction advertising signs made of. Basically extruded plastic cardboard. So what I did was cut a circle from the rubber, then glued it using carpet adhesive to the coro and then trimmed the coro to fit the rubber. It makes a really nice surface that will sit on top of long grass but it is heavy enough to mash it down to stay level and not move under prop wash. I will be adding a circle and a Big White H to the middle when I fire up the vinyl cutter this weekend.

Here it is with my FAI MCPx in the grass.





Well-Known Member
Nice one :) .
I bought a cool mat as a landing pad, but haven't used it yet.
Need a heavy backing to stop it curling up and hitting the blades :)
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