My thoughts about Phoenix Flight Sim


bummer..... aah well .... since I know nothing about flying planes ..... exvept on the sim ....I have nothing to offer on it.


Staff member
Right on, it's all good. Hell as long as it's been since I flew anything with wings I may be over thinking this. But, I do plan on getting RF to do a side by side comparison of the two. Then, I'm going to take my Extra 260 out and my Edge 540, fly them, then come back and compare them to the sim.


Staff member
I try to video all of my flights. You know, just in case something happens. I'm really thinking about building a new plane and using that to test out the sims physics. But, that plane is a secret as to what it is hehe.


Hey mountaindewdude76; I also have Phoenix Sim & never flew Real Flight though! Saw it in Hobby Shops & some was always using it so never got to try it! Phoenix does have lots of set ups & most don't know they are there & how to set it up ! Learned from Wesy one night & on a few how to videos! He is pretty good at everything! Well the Best & talk to you later Dave!


Well-Known Member
Well done, Westy!!! Unfortunately, I'll be working tonight, but I'll surely sit down and check out your "How to PhoenixRC" playlist tomorrow.



good stuff..... if you need any other ones ... let me know as I am more than happy to help the community


I started with the FFM I think its called, for about 2 minutes and removed it from my computer lol
I then bought clearview, and while it will get the job done.. I wasn't happy, I had read about RF and didn't feel paying almost as much as a heli cost was justifiable, at least not at that time, after all just getting in RC can be very expensive very quickly. So I found Phoenix and saw it was recommended a lot, and the fact it came with a spectrum Tx made it more appealing to me.
I would rather put the extra money towards another heli myself, or battery etc.
But once I have everything I really need <----yea right! then maybe I would change my mind. But I too am not excited about paying for every upgrade .
but that is just my opinion. and we all have them!
Bottom line... we would all rather be outside letting her eat!


Staff member
I think you are talking about FMS. I have had that as well, and I think I still have a copy around her somewhere. The ONLY flight sim where you can go hands off on every heli lmao. but yeah, Phoenix is a great simulator. However I do think RF6.5 has it beat. But it's personal choice as they will both get the job done.


I would have bought RF 6.5 if 5.0 had of been any good ..... They must have improved drastically as I thought 5.0 was really lame in graphics and querky reloads etc.....

I don't under stand why they would offer a demo ... that you can only use a keyboard on! I mean come on gimme a break ..... who is going to get a decent review of a keyboard demo! ?????
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