Micro mcpx questions


Staff member
You can adjust the tension of the collective/rudder if you want on the DX8. There are little rubber plugs in the back of it that you will need to remove and use the allen wrench (I think) that's included with the Tx in the bind plug bag to so it. If it's not the allen wrench, then it's a #1 phillips. I will be doing videos on this shortly. Just need to get some things done to the RCH heli first.


Well-Known Member
Its a phillips. I always adjust my aileron and rudder stiffer than the Elevator and Throttle so my thumbs don't mix the two by mistake.


Active Member
Yeah, I will bed you are making a left turn too. When you make a left turn (I do this), you pull the stick down. But when you make a right turn, you can either stay at the same height or you will push the stick up and gain altitude. This is why I have a lot of tension on my rudder, that way I KNOW I'm pushing it and I can just put the collective where it needs to be.

Wouldn't putting tension on the rudder make matters worse? If you have to push the rudder harder then you will likely move the throttle slightly at the same time.
I would think making the throttle stiffer and the rudder looser would prevent you from moving the throttle while pushing the tail around.


Active Member
I figured out a trick that works pretty good. When you install the power cord on the battery dont push it all the way on to where it locks. Just slide it on right before it locks. Any time you smash into the ground or hit something hard the cable pops off and kills the motor. I've never been able to hit the throttle hold fast enough and this pretty much accomplishes the same thing. If your able to hit the throttle hold quik enough great if not this has been a nice back up plan. This has surprisingly worked just about every time for me.

I did a couple of inverted flights today outside. I was able to flip it over but wasnt able to hold it for any length of time and just smashed into the grass. I dont think I have enough pitch to do things quick enough. I'm running 74% I believe.


Staff member
Fold your blades the same way and make sure you have the same amount of pitch positive as you do negative. You may have to do the link mod. I think you extend the links 3 turns, but it may be shorten them. Lee will be able to tell you. I did it but my mind is not working tonight lol.

Also, if that works for you not locking that plug in place, great. However with the vibration of the heli, it could come off in flight and cause a crash. And if you are over your house, this is a real pain in the ass lmao. My suggestion would be learn where that T-Hold switch is and always be ready. In time you will hit that switch without even thinking when you know you are going to crash.

Myself, I don't hit throttle hold. I have trained my fingers to simultaneously flip out of idle up and lower the throttle all the way. I really need to learn the throttle hold, and now with a nitro, I need to train myself to hit the kill switch when I know I'm going to crash. That way no dirt gets sucked into the engine.


Active Member
Fold your blades the same way and make sure you have the same amount of pitch positive as you do negative. You may have to do the link mod. I think you extend the links 3 turns, but it may be shorten them. Lee will be able to tell you. I did it but my mind is not working tonight lol.

Also, if that works for you not locking that plug in place, great. However with the vibration of the heli, it could come off in flight and cause a crash. And if you are over your house, this is a real pain in the ass lmao. My suggestion would be learn where that T-Hold switch is and always be ready. In time you will hit that switch without even thinking when you know you are going to crash.

Myself, I don't hit throttle hold. I have trained my fingers to simultaneously flip out of idle up and lower the throttle all the way. I really need to learn the throttle hold, and now with a nitro, I need to train myself to hit the kill switch when I know I'm going to crash. That way no dirt gets sucked into the engine.

That's what I thought to but I have yet to have a vibration knock that plug loose. Might not be a good idea for heavy 3D for flying around and trying to learn to fly inverted it works pretty good. I also try not to fly above my house it would really suck to have climb up there in this weather. Plus don't own a ladder tall enough to reach. Largest one I have I think is 20 feet. My roof is probably good 10 feetabove that .
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