Micro mCPX Blades

Rc-Help Member

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I did a test mod this weekend just to see what would happen. I took two large tongue depressors (Popsicle sticks) and made a set of blades for the mCPX. They worked pretty well for about 15 minutes and then one of the came apart. I spent about 30 minutes in cutting them out and sanding them down so they would be as close to the original blades as possible. I think they would work pretty well if I dipped them in acrylic clear coat to create a bond to hold them together. I'm gonna give it another shot this week end if I get some spare time. I also weighed them with a digital scale to make sure they were the exact same weight. They were to small and light to put them on a balance. If I get them to work it will sure beat paying $9+shipping for a new set.


Super Mod & DEAL KING!
that sounds interesting... if it works you should totally sell those ... or give out the "plans" lol :D


Staff member
Tommy, I thought we were keeping this on the D/L? Oh well, no reason to do mine now........

Rc-Help Member

I Love This Site!
Huh? Sorry Tony I didn't know I was suppose to keep it under the wrapper... Oh well I'll think of some thing new.. Heh. What is D/L?


Staff member
lol, D/L is "Down Low". You know, keeping it on the down low... hahaha, it's all good.
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