looks like i may have my next assignment.


Staff member
Appears that Georgia is not an option. Out of the choices I had I chose ft hood. Lets see if I get it.


Staff member
Texas huh? Hope you like the heat lmao. Thanks to that jackass Major, my base is still on lockdown. But, I"m sure you will just be glad to be back in the states.


Staff member
Oh yah. I should be close to gaba I think. The wife chose the location out of the four I was given. The only thing important is my family. Anyhow it should be a prime location for fun flies.


Staff member
Yeah, it gets hot down there, but rain is not that common down there lol. Should provide you with more chances to fly than Korea.


Staff member
Most definitely. Gaba would be about 2.5 hours north of me. I hope I get it. This was the best location for me. That's why I hope I get it.


Super Mod & DEAL KING!
AWESOME MURANKAR!! Happy to now you'll be cming to TEXAS! and esp just about 3 hours from where I live! NICE! when is the move?



Staff member
Some time in Sept. I have about 4 months left here then vacation. It could look closer to October till I am settled in. Hopefully there will be a fun fly to go and watch with the family. It will be good to know someone in a new land. Looks like I should really start practiceing so I can keep up.


Super Mod & DEAL KING!
Hahahaahha don't worry! There will be enough events. You can even hat simply come to my field one weekend and you'll see people flying crazy. :)


Staff member
we'll call it a day then if this goes through. I wont know more till next week sometime. Anyhow I'll keep ya'll up to date with this assignment. I hope it does go through, it was the closet one to our families.


Active Member
Man its been 9 years since i have been out and i got to literally travel the world. GLad everything is working out for ya. ANd while you are in and you see any oshkosh trucks smile cause one of your buds on the forum helped to make sure thatg truck got there lol.


Spagetti Pilot
My GF's son is going to be in fort Sam in San Antone. Probublly next month. He just got back from Afghanistan. He in Seattle now. He is going to be finishing his medical training there.


Staff member
I remember those trucks. They have been phased out for the most part. With the newer LMTV and FMTV's the oshkosh have been out done. Thanks for your service. Time flies by after you get out. I had 5 years fly by after I got out the first time, and now it's almost 10 years later since I re joined.
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