600 Look out Align,, The is a new kid on the block..

Rc-Help Member

I Love This Site!
Raptor x50. I don't see how it keeps from eating the tail boom up into little bits.


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Spagetti Pilot
I don't know why but, for some reason Tommy your videos don't even show up on my I pad. I saw them on my laptop over the weekend. Now whatever video you just posted is a big blank black spot in your post.

Rc-Help Member

I Love This Site!
Its black on my iPad also. So try viewing it straight from YouTube.

Here is the url
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Fearless Freep
That is some incredible flying. I've seen Bert K. flying vids and never saw him push a heli that hard. I wish they would setup an hd cam on the pilots controller and split screen it, so we could see what a master pilot is doing on those flights.
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