I absolutely can not stand Vimeo. Making me pay to upload a video to YOUR site so YOU can make money off of it? SCREW THAT!!! But on the other hand, if I stick with youtube (because lets face it, I will never, with my size of an audience, get the amount of patrons to keep this whole ordeal going. Everyone wants everything for free and gets pissed when you ask for a buck. There are those few, especially those here on this site that are supporting the site, that go way above and beyond and help us out tremendously!
As for copyright buildings, I saw that same video. 70 years in France, but the lights were installed in the 50's I think, or 70's, hell I don't know. But that doesn't affect me at all. And if my videos actually hit 1000 views in their life time, it's a good thing... Very small channel an I may be just asking for failure in even thinking this stuff. I guess we will find out soon....