Hello from Maryland


New Member
Im Will and I'm still new to the hobby(3-4 months),I'm hooked though.I only have a 120sr,450x and a super cub,for now.I look forward to talking to fellow flyers.I appreciate the help Tony and I hope I'll be able to help a newbie one day.


Staff member

I'm glad you could make it over here. I know I have already answered some of your questions, but if you have any more, you know where to find me. I wish I had that cub. I have wanted a high straight wing trainer like the cub to just toss in the air and maybe put floats on. Sometimes you just want to fly and you can't really do that with the heli's or 3D planes lol.


New Member
I luv my cub,but now I'm looking at a Focke Wulf,then maybe the new starmax b-17.Believe me,if I don't know something,I'm surely going to ask,lol.
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