Had three brown outs in one flight. it was scary


Well-Known Member
Nice find.

Back to the graphs, though. For the first and third event the sequence of events looks to be:
1) Throttle jump with power peaking and voltage sagging.
2) A second or two later, throttle dumps to nothing then comes back up again to normal level.

If the power peaks were being caused by the recovery spool ups I would have expected the throttle dumps (#2) to happen before the power pikes and voltage sags (#1) in the graphs.

Maybe the initial throttle drop due to sat signal loss wasn't being detected in the graph (maybe on the second event, since that sequence appears to follow your description of what happened) since it was too short to be detected due to sampling error (what is the sampling rate on your ESC setting, btw?). And what we're seeing in event 1 and 3 is actually the post dropout spool up spike and a matching drop in throttle after it overrevs on the recovery, settling out to a normal stable headspeed?

Regardless, glad you found it. This is the second time in the last week, I think, that I've read about spektrum sats having bad connections. May be a good argument for putting two on every bird, not just the 500+ size ones.


Super Mod & DEAL KING!
yeah. . true that. I might have to put another one on here too lol ..

it could have been a point where I pulled the stick up, and with the little bit of G forces the wires moved enough for brownout.. Regardless. I will fly again after I put a new cable on there, and then see what the graph looks like.
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