450 Gear Dust


Greetings guys,

I've got a little kinda stupid question, but since i'm new....

How bad is a little dust, sand or earth dust, small debris on gears. (main gear, tail rotor gear, or the umbrella gear of the tail boom)... i kinda landed on the grass on a unlever part, so the tail rotor did some lawnmowing which made dust of course, so i tried to clean up the best i could, but not easy to clean gears....

Here's a pic... you can see some mostly ont he umbrella gear and some on the main gear...





Super Mod & DEAL KING!
I got

More gunk than that from just running around .. If it causes bind in rotation too much then scrape it off

If not..... Don't be worried at all! :)

Fly safe!! :) have fun!


Well-Known Member
I would imagine that if you are having troubles getting that dust/dirt out of there, and maybe you wanna clean it off...hit it with some of that compressed air in a spray can. Ya know, like that canned air that we all use to clean out our keyboards and such. maybe that would do.


Staff member
Never any stupid questions! If you have a question, just ask it. That is what we are here for :biggrin1:

I agree, there doesn't appear to be anything that I would worry about. But you can take a tooth brush and brush the gears once in a while. Also, since your tail hit the dirt, check those tail gears very closely. they are known to strip if the wind blows the wrong way.
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