General Gaui 550


looks good mate, it's a solid heli and full upgrades are availible carbon frame etc. although it is an older model and they have done a more up to date version, you could convert it to FBL but not sure what head would fit i think the tarot head and ZYX should work, it did on my belt cp450
good luck
I've done a bit of research and have found a FBL head The x4 I think it was called, made by Gaui for another company that I can't remember off the top of my head.
If just comes with sooo many extras that I'm thinking it could be a good deal.


go for it mate, its german built as far as i know so it should last well, and if it comes with a spare frame and other stuff then you should have peace of mind for a while, from the pics it looks like you could crash alot of times before you need to buy anthing for it, gotta admit it looks a good deal for a big stable heli, i did look at the 450 version myself


New Member
The X4 is a Gaui Helicopter Its not made for anyone else
The X4 is a 500 size heli don't see that fitting a 600 size heli
And as old as that heli is I would just Put the money into a new one
Gaui makes great heli's. I have a x2 and like it alot . they are well made
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