FPV turns to PHV (Plane to Head Video)


Well-Known Member
Decided to go down to my nearest flying club today. Its was a grey day, but i found two guys there. When i arrived, one guy was setting up a Skywalker FPV plane. He had two sets of goggles, so i went along for the ride. After a few laps of the area i passed the goggles to his friend. We were stood by the edge of the runway when he came in for a landing. The first went really smoothly, but the second was when disaster struck. I gust of wind caught the plane just as he was going to touch done. It turned straight towards us. I was the only one without goggles and could see it was going to hit us. Instead of dropping the throttle, he punched it and pulled back on the elevator. It climbed but not enough. It hit the pilot in the head and his friend fell over into the mud. Luckily it was a glancing blow, but enough to knock his hat and video goggles off. The wing just missed his 4ft high antenna. I grabbed hold of him to make sure he didn't fall.
Would you believe it, after all this, the plane was still in the air. He regained control of it and brought it round for a perfect (this time ) landing.

With that and my 600 crash, it was an exciting day. :D
Oh and he got it all on the planes video camera, but i forgot to ask him for his email DOH!!!! hope to see him next week.


Staff member
lmao, and I'm only laughing because he is okay if he landed it after all of that lmao. Falling into the mud was the best part. Hope you can find the video of this and post it up.
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