General flight training on a sim


Staff member
Disclaimer: only work on nose in when your ready. I am on realflight 7.5 on a field I made. I use MSI Afterburner for the capture and hand break to process the video down.

This little series is going to cover my training regiment on the sim. I have been bouncing around with 3 of the four orientations. Last night I finally got screen capture to work so this is my first real practice session that has been captured.

Before working nose in you should be able to do this same exercise while nose left c.w. /ccw and nose right c.w./ccw. You should be able to do tail in the same way. Your flight should be as controlled as possible.

I have finally buckled down to train. This is about a week into me actually training and this is my first screen capture worthy of posting.

Get to practicing.
nose In Gaui X3 - YouTube

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Staff member
That has to do with my radio. I am running er9x on my th9x and the programming of the radio causes that.

Collective pitch and throttle are on separate channels and real flight only sees the throttle curve. Its annoying but until I figure out how to fix this it is what it is.

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Staff member
Right on bro. It takes some pushing to really get back to basics. I find myself getting bored doing it and end up just flying around lol. Bit the basics are so important that people should gain the will to just did down for an hour a day and practice the orientation drills.


Absolutely Tony! ... I totally agree .... doign the basics on a daily basics should make it all be like breathing without consciously thinking about it! that way if anything goes wrong... you will follow your now natural instinct rather than have to think about it. One other thing I always used to practice is if you are doing a certain type of maneuver, plan and practice a structured bail out stick strategy so that if you get in the poop.... you are prepared ready for battle!


Staff member
That's the next step once I get my side in going. My side in is not as polished as my nose in.

Lost my train of thought, had a heated argument break out in front of me between to full timers.

Okay bail out plan, yes I should be working on one now. Something to be aware of from now on. Its just like throttle hold.

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