General Fixed Pitch Helicopter For Beginers


New Member
Can anyone give me some ideas as to what would be a good fixed pitch helicopter for beginners? I started off with a co axial heli and within a couple of days I was flying it like a pro. I purchased a Nine Eagles Solo Pro 228 and after a couple of month's trying to get the heli in the air I gave up on it. I had more problems with the receiver and after changing out the receiver twice I'm not gonna waste any more of my money on Nine Eagle heli's. I'm looking at the Blade 200 SRX, but would like some input from some more experienced pilots before I start spending money. Any help will be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
The Coax helis can make you think you have a handle on flying a heli and you may just be one of the
gifted that picks up flying heli's progressing quickly into CP helis.
A heli that you can progress with? Hmm? Well the Blade 200SRX from what I have read/heard has in the beginning
issues with it I think the ESC mainly. But they might have gotten that sorted.
I'm not sure of the models that WLToys has, but have heard they make some models that are pretty decent.
It's really hard to say and really hit or miss on FP heli's because a lot of them are considered toy grade heli's,
The Blade though is hobby grade. But with hobby grade you run into hobby grade prices...
It really depends on your budget to tell you the truth, because crashes are almost always gonna happen with them or parts failures.


Well-Known Member
V911 from WLToys and Banggood. I have several that have been bashed, crashed and bounced around but still fly.
They are small enough to fly inside but are just as comfortable outside in light winds.
Really cheap so if you totally destroy it, no big deal.
Awesome for learning orientation as they are quite stable.
My 6yo is learning to fly one at the moment.
Can be bound to a Turnigy 9x transmitter or many other TX's if you have the Turnigy module.


Active Member
That's the one I was thinking of, the V911 I've heard they are pretty good heli's and price is good too.
I thought about getting one to mess around in the house with myself on those no fly days.
but the v911 isnt a fp is it? pretty sure ther 6ch birds if i remember right. heard they were pretty decent if u upgraded to brushless motor..not sure if ther is one fer the tail far as the blade esc"s..JUNK! junk junk..i will never own anything from eflite again! twice ive gotten junk strait out of the box..both of em with binding and esc/gyro/control board issues..dam things wood only bind mayb 2 out of evry ten times i wood try..and then when they wood..the motors woodnt spin up half the time..only servos wood work. ole lady paid like 120 bucks fer that lil mcx2..and then on top of that the sales prick..i mean connd her into buyn the upgraded head parts fer it..the blue aluminam rotor head parts and swash ect..that was another 40 bucks fer all that krap..and i was so pissed at eflite..i NEVER even got ONE! full packs worth of flyin out of it!.so then on account of the heli had been worked wasnt stock er sum :):):):)-a-many bull krap excuse they had...the warranty was no insed..never even got a whole pack of flight time with it..finallybgot so pissed and frustrated with it and the customer reps..and all the bull..i was able to find one good thing bout the whole package..THE BOX!! worked GREAT to put the lil bugger back in it.. after i had thrown it down and stomped it into a small pile of broken pieces! lol:banghead:.i had a cpl good little fp helis at one time if thats what yall was discussin..the wlv912 is a good little 250 like sized bird..and the v913..more close to 450 sized..great helis! easy ta get parts fer in the us too! lol


Well-Known Member
I really only had the one FP that worked for me the Blade 120SR they are still available but it looks like they are about to be phased out as they are on clearance.

They (I had two) were tough, it took a lot to cause damage, they were agile and fun, technically very simple the weakest point on them was the tail boom which I replaced with solid CF rod, I had a lot of fun and learned a lot, I'm sure that there are a lot of similar helicopters out there that would also suit you, I can only comment on what I've owned.
horizon is where the heli i spoke of came from..very unsatisfactory service and product least in my expierence..they would not do anything for me on the mcx2 that had issues with the electronics..brand new now..because i put the upgraded head outfit on it..and they are the ones who "strongly recommended it"!..they seen my girlfriend comin a mile away..i believe that is why they were so insistant upon it..they knew of all the issues happening with em..and that if it was taken apart and diffrnt parts put on..they woodnt have to honor the warranty..thats just my opinion..i woodnt reccomend horizon hobby to my worst enemy.


Active Member
If she bought it from a hobby shop they should have informed her that added parts like those would void the warranty.
Actually even if ordered from Horizon they should have informed her of this....but it does say right in the manual about that sorta thing also...I believe.

My dealings with em has been pretty good so far, I bought a second hand DX8 and they worked quickly to get ahold of the old owner so that it could be de registered and re registered in my name.
I've heard for the most part they try to help people out. Sounds like you got a bad deal for sure.


New Member
Thanks for the info everyone. I just ordered the Nano QX. One thing I have noticed is, if a person doesn't watch out, their transmitter collection can get just as big as their heli collection. I'm gonna start checking out transmitters. Eventually I'm gonna get a BNF transmitter once I see what name brand helis have the best reviews.

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In my last post I said I purchased the Nano QX, that is one of my quad copters I already have, what I meant to say was is I just purchased the V911.


Active Member
Yup! It sure will, choose carefully on your radio when you get one.
A lot of it boils down to personal preference I think, myself I am pretty much a Spektrum person,
although I wouldn't mind trying a Futaba also. But just about any heli can be converted to any radio
With the matching reciever. Or a FBL unit.
If I were you I'd pick up an older model DX6i that is a very user friendly radio, will bind to your Nano,
and is great for getting your feet wet programming the radios.

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That's probably a good choice with the V911 am not sure if that's a FP heli though..
yes rider..they indeed should have told her that..thats kind of where i was going with it..i firmly believe that not telling her as to void the warranty..because they knew that there was obviously a defect of some sort with the control unit/reciever componets was theyre intentions all push the whole "buy the upgraded head..its much more durable..she said they also told her that because the upgraded head raised the bottom rotor up a little higher and without would constantly be taking tail boom strikes..and wood constantly be ordering new blades . i know they had to hav told her that..because she is "heli illierate" knows absolutely nothing bout em. sneaky and just plain low down hiway robbery is what it was....i did keep the reciever and control unit off well as the case i ever came across anyone thinking of buying one from em..hopefully i could save someone the bad taste in their mouths of having to eat 160 bucks..cuz thats whats happend to my gfriend..bless her heart..she was so upset and afraid i was mad at her cuz of it she was nearly in tears..and thats when i got really p.offd! you know..that level of p offd you reach to where u start getting shakey and nauseous feeling? lol..i was really close to reaching the level just above that one..where i dont know what happens cuz ive never made it that far up ! lol..thank goodness to the lord above! lol:facepalm:

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cant seem to find the control unit..its sumwheres round here..but yea..heres what 160 bucks of my gfriends hard earned money bought..kinda leaves a bitter taste in ones mouth



Active Member
Poor thing, it was probably a demo heli, and they screwed it up found a person they could unload it on...
Yeah I know about that level of rage everything goes black and white tunnel vision with full phocus on the person or object you want to distroy. That has happened to me twice, once when it took 3 guys to get me off the guy I was trying to ram my fists through his head, the other when I knew my marriage was over and it took every ounce of restraint I had to not rip my then wife's head off....not a good place to be....:(


Active Member
Hi mate if you like Blade helis get a spektrum tansmitter this will fly every heli /plane/quad in the horizon line up , The DX9 will hold 250 models and you can put more on the sd card
The wltoy V911 is FP I had 2 one is over 2 years old and still flies, but some times a quad will teach you more as they fly more like a CP heli than a FP heli
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Well-Known Member
My V911 was excellent for learning orientation and growing some muscle memory in a panic situation.
I would not even think of a nose in hover with my bigger birds until I had flown it for a while.
Not that I fly them any more since I discovered quads and FPV. :)


New Member
Well my WLTOY V911 came in today. Right out of the box and after charging the battery, this little Helicopter flew great. I still have a lot of practicing to do, but I believe flying a co-axial heli for my first heli helped me get the feel of an RC transmitter to help me get an idea of how to fly a 4 channel fixed pitch heli. I did have a few crashes but this little heli is so light and durable that it is still flying. The transmitter sticks are a little sensitive, but in the long run I believe this will help me fly bigger and better heli's when I am ready to upgrade. And the price I payed for it, I may even buy another one. I would recommend this helicopter to anyone who wants to get in to RC Heli hobby.
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