first day with ec-135 heli

I have a funny, but sad story for you.
About a year ago i bought a ec-135 (450 class) heliPicture 024.jpg.It was a RTF heli, so i got it home, open the box and took everything out.I was so excited about it, i charged the battery,took it outside and was going to flying it.As i had it outside, i add'd enough power to just get it off the ground to see what kind of tuning that i need.The controller that came with it was one of the basic kind.The only things you can do with it(tuning wise) was the trim and changing the servo settings from norm to reverse.As i got it just of the groung i noticed that the elevator was set the opisite way that i liked it.It was set up like I push up on elevator and the heli goes up.When i comes to that i like it in reverse. Now all this took place in my front driveway.each time that i had to adjust the trim i landed killed the throttle to the heli.I know that when ajusting anything you should not do it while in the air.As i was tuning it, for some reason(probably not thinking) I reversed channel 3.We all know that channel 3 is thruddle.The next thing i knew, it took off the second I changed channel 3 to reverse, and hit a telephone pole sideways.It all happen in must of been two seconds.Here is the pic of what the body looked like after the hit. Picture.jpg. On this heli remember that the plastic that is on it is VERY VERY thin.You can almost break it using two fingers

Picture 024.jpg

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