General DX8 pitch an throttle help


Active Member
Hi just a question about pitch and throttle on the DX8. I am trying in set exp in the throttle and pitch curve
setting I can see how to switch them on but I can not see where to input the amount. I am trying to soften
the pitch and throttle around centre stick so in the hover it's more stable, no fast ups and downs of the heli.
Appreciate any thoughts. Cheers


Staff member
I have never used, nor ever will endorse using expo on the throttle/pitch. If the helicopter is too responsive for you, all you need to do is go into the swash menu and lower the pitch value. I do suggest 9+º of pitch so you will need your pitch gauge. Also, Having a flat head speed (ie. 0 40 70 70 70 on the th-curve) will help with this a LOT.


Active Member
Thanks Tony will set up has you suggest. It's a bit to responsive for an old bugger like me at the moment LOL. Cheers.


Well-Known Member
Treff I use Tony's suggestion above for the throttle curve above 0-40-70-70-70 in my normal position, but I found when I got the head speed up in idle up it did not move vertically so much, but did have a few hairy moments because in idle up it comes down as quick as it goes up,

I now only use IU when outside, as you can counter traditional lift more effectively as you have more negative pitch available.


Active Member
Thanks Kev, yes I was flying in very gusty conditions today and was having trouble keeping a steady hover.
All good fun. I actually lost control at one time so I gave lots of throttle and it sort of parked it self in the
sky. I was impress, not with my piloting skill I may add, it gave me a few seconds to regain control and land in
the front garden, great for clearing dead leaves. Cheers


Well-Known Member
Yeah love it Treff, as they say you can't crash into the air, only terra firmer, height is your friend I have come to find that,


Well-Known Member
Expo on throttle doesn't make a lot of sense to me. But on collective, I firmly disagree with you, Tony. It can be very helpful to smooth out collective response and hovering control, particularly on the micros and when starting out with a new model. For instance, Ikon's basic flight setting has an amount of expo on collective pre-programmed in. The other settings do not have it, but it is evident when using the basic setting. I use it on my nano and mcpx-bl to make them flyable (by me) in confined areas. I used it on my goblin 500 when I was noticing that it was very touchy on collective. Turned out I had way too much pitch angle in on it, but nevertheless using collective pitch expo, along with min and max curve positions a bit smaller than full, helped tame it quite well until I could go through the head setup adjustments.

I wouldn't fly with it for most sport flying or better, but for beginners, those doing precision forward flight and light sport flying, etc. I think it definitely has a place.


Staff member
As I stated, I have never tried it. Mainly because I like that linear feel in the pitch. However, I can see what you are coming from and I may just have to give this a try just to say I have tried it. I just don't think a sluggish collective will help people. IMO, it will hinder landing more than help it. But there is only one way to find out.


Well-Known Member
Pretty sure the 3gx has a sort of expo for collective, namely collective dampening, but could be way off, it has been known you know.


Well-Known Member
I personally don't like to fly with it either (except on the micros, as I mentioned). I just happened to notice it was built into the Ikon basic/beginner pre-set. And just happened to need to use it in the odd case with the goblin 500 setup I had. It has it's uses, but in general I don't like to fly with it either.


Active Member
Hi guys Thanks for all the input. I found that if I flatten the throttle and collective pitch curves around the hover on the stick it is very much smoother to fly
but only in still conditions. `````````````````````when its windy you need good authority on both to get the heli up and to keep it there in the down draughts
Horses for courses so to speak. Cheers.
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