Derek got to fly today!!!


Well-Known Member
OH wow!!! The weather was great today and I finally got to go flying. I didn't get my 500 out today (long story), but I did take out my trusty EA Delta Wing with the recently upgraded motor and ESC. This thing is just awesome! I had such a good time!!!

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Staff member
Great job bro! Your not the only one that flew today. I got to fly my mcpx, callsigns 130x (more hovered, didnt' want to do anything stupid to a heli that had never been crashed lmao) and I even fired up my 600 and tried to get it in the air. Needless to say, no flight on the 600 yet sadly. More in another thread.


Well-Known Member
Thanks! I love flying that wing...especially with the upgraded motor. It's quite a bit faster that it was last year and with the 1500kv motor on it now...I was getting UNLIMITED vertical. Just too much fun!!!

I'm glad to hear that you were able to get some time to fly, yourself! Can't always work. I'll look for the other thread about the 600.

I'm planning on more flying today including meeting up with a guy that I met on Youtube. He lives a mere 8 miles from me and he has been flying FPV for the last 6 years or so. He's gonna show me what he has and give me my first FPV experience! I'm stoked about flying today!!!!!!!!!!!!


Staff member
I will make the thread here shortly. It's not much though. Matt has the only video of it trying to get off the ground. But enough jacking of the thread, I will type it out if I can keep my eyes open.


Staff member
Posted. Click What's New. Not a good outcome, well not the one that I wanted, but at least I stopped before tearing her up. I'm going to bed.


Well-Known Member
Looks like you had fun Derek. I haven't flown my helis for 3 weeks. Feels like a life time.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Lee..I had a great time. I hadn't flown anything since Novemeber 2012, so yesterday flight was AMAZING. It was such a good feeling to be reminded of fun that I had last year.

That sucks that you haven't flown any of your heli's for such a long time. You are quite an accomplished pilot and your videos are entertaining to watch.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to make another one of these wings and put a 2200kv motor on it with a 6x4 prop. I'm hoping that the new one will just be ridiculously fast, lol


Well-Known Member
So, I took my wing out today for another flight. WOW!!! It was much more windy today than yesterday, so did i pack up the wing and head home? Nope!

Tossed it into the wind, as if it were a piece of garbage. It flew quite well and the upgraded motor performed very well in the higher winds. However, the wing weighs less than 18 ounces, AUW, and it was just getting beat around mercilessly. I managed to get the wing down to the ground but the nose dropped suddenly and I ended up breaking the prop. That's ok, I guess. I have 3 more...just in case.

I'll give it another go when the wind is calmer.

I also just finished the upgrades on my motor glider and the CG seems to be located perfectly. Maiden on that will be soon.
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