Scale CoastGuard down


Goblin 380 Supporter
Well since I've been having problems with my TX, some how the CG heli was the only one to loss it's bind. The only way to get it bind was only by disassembling the bird :(IMG_1477.JPGActually it was a lot easier to take apart then I thought. I already have her back together again and ready for a flight :) Got lucky this time Lol


Well-Known Member
Just a thought if there is a next time, for my scale bodies if I can't get into them easily I attach a 200mm extension to the USB on the FC and about the same length M/F extension to the bind pins and just leave them attached.


Staff member
That is a fantastic idea Keith, and it is also what i did on a quad for the bootloader. Couldn't get to it with the quad together so I made up some servo wire and plugs and made a bind plug. Lightweight and effective.


Nice to see you getting it ready Ivan, the bind extension is a good idea, I use them as well.
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