450 Brain2 & DX8 "local" help!


New Member
I'm really stuck on programming the Brain2 on my DX8 tx. Is there anyone in N. California (N. of S.F.) that is adept with setting up a Brain2 on a DX8 tx? I'm really stuck and need to enlist the skills of a more knowledgeable person that I can meet in person to go through this? Happy to compensate for time with homemade bacon, beer, cash or all three!

Trex 450L

Happy Holidays!



New Member
Hey Jeff! Just wondering if you might be a tad more specific in what you need help with? I have found a good number of YouTube videos that are great walkthroughs of your to setup the brain2 with a spektrum tx. I just searched ikon2 dx8 in YouTube. Also, as you progress through the brain's programming screens the left side dialog box is a tremendous resource for what is going on in the programming.

Best wishes

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