General Black Helicopter Main Gears


Well-Known Member
I've seen a few videos, recently, and people have these black main gears. I've seen them on 450's and a 600. I was just looking at the Align site and I didn't see any black gears there. I may have overlooked's quite possible.

Is there a reason for the black gears? Are they better/stronger than the white gears or is it just a cosmetic thing?


Staff member
I don't think there is any difference in teh main gears. The tail gears however, are stronger in teh black.


Well-Known Member
I found the black main gear on the 700E to be higher tolerance. It had far less wobble than the white gear. I had a bit more heft in feeling, didn't actually measure it. I believe it is stronger, too, like the black tail gears. When I stripped one out (bad pinion mesh) it almost seemed to have a fiberous substrate at the spots teeth stripped off of it. Not CF or Kevlar, but something a bit stringy in appearance.


Well-Known Member
any ideas on where to get these black gears for a 450, 500, and a 600? or just a place that I could view them?



Well-Known Member
Once again, Tony! You have failed to disappoint me, lol. I didn't even think to check A Main Hobbies. Thanks for that!!!


amain has the black gears. they only have the main one. i do not think they made them for the auto rotation. the balck one are stronger from the white gears. its considered an upgrade, as per the conversation i had with my bud at my lhs.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for commenting, Sparse! I'll surely be ordering a few in the near future.


yeah there not expensive either, you can order them in sets of threes if you want. For like eight bucks i think.


Well-Known Member
I was just looking at the gear on A Main Hobbies. They have the black gears for the 450, 500, and 600. For the 450, I think I saw a 3 pack. The 500 was a two pack and the 600 was singles. I'll order some of each.
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