Staff member
Hey everyone, I just wanted to explain some things about the ad on the main forum page. Banggood contacted me last night and we had a little discussion about the last giveaway. And despite all of the videos I have put out on the E010, it wasn't enough to justify the giveaway. They are still holding true to shipping them out, but the fact that there was not enough clicks onto their site shows that we need to make a change.
The ad on the right side of the main forum page (/forum.php) directs to their helicopter section. One thing that I think is hurting us is the fact that this site (Rc-Help) was created because of helicopters. The only real thing that we have done from these vendors is quad stuff. I think this is the reason why things did not do as well as we thought they would. Both him and I thought this giveaway would do much better than it actually did.
So I'm here to ask you all that if you are going to purchase ANYTHING from in the near future, please click through on the ad so that it shows that Rc-Help can give them some business. It is a cooperation between all of us and to help keep things flowing in the direction of Rc-Help and keep the videos going with new products.
I know what you guys are saying... "We do NOT want more quad videos!!!!!!" And trust me, I have heard you all loud and clear. That is why we are going to transition over to more helicopter stuff in the very near future. It will start with beginner 6 channel ccpm helicopters (a lot like the MCPX's) and it will move up from there. But we need your help to keep these videos going.
You do not have to purchase anything Rc related on Banggood's site for it to reflect good on Rc-Help. All you have to do is click on that banner so that is shows Rc-Help as a referrer to their site. With that, it will show them that they are not wasting money sending us these products for review and videos. All you have to do is click that banner and get whatever you went there to get.
It would be greatly appreciated from not only myself, but also from Banggood.
And I know you guys are wondering about any kind of kickbacks. I think there is something on there that does make Rc-Help a little money but trust me, it's not enough to do anything with. What we need to do is get that conversion rate up so they can send us better kits. If we can get it high enough, they will send us kits from their site that I can build on video such as copterX, Tarot, ALZRC and so on. It will help get Rc-Help back into the helicopter scene which is where we need to be right now!
Thanks as always for helping out Rc-Help!
This is the exact image that is on the forum main page, and it is clickable. You can use this image just as you would the ad on /forum.php

-Tony N.
Rc-Help - Your Rc Information Source!

The ad on the right side of the main forum page (/forum.php) directs to their helicopter section. One thing that I think is hurting us is the fact that this site (Rc-Help) was created because of helicopters. The only real thing that we have done from these vendors is quad stuff. I think this is the reason why things did not do as well as we thought they would. Both him and I thought this giveaway would do much better than it actually did.
So I'm here to ask you all that if you are going to purchase ANYTHING from in the near future, please click through on the ad so that it shows that Rc-Help can give them some business. It is a cooperation between all of us and to help keep things flowing in the direction of Rc-Help and keep the videos going with new products.
I know what you guys are saying... "We do NOT want more quad videos!!!!!!" And trust me, I have heard you all loud and clear. That is why we are going to transition over to more helicopter stuff in the very near future. It will start with beginner 6 channel ccpm helicopters (a lot like the MCPX's) and it will move up from there. But we need your help to keep these videos going.
You do not have to purchase anything Rc related on Banggood's site for it to reflect good on Rc-Help. All you have to do is click on that banner so that is shows Rc-Help as a referrer to their site. With that, it will show them that they are not wasting money sending us these products for review and videos. All you have to do is click that banner and get whatever you went there to get.
It would be greatly appreciated from not only myself, but also from Banggood.
And I know you guys are wondering about any kind of kickbacks. I think there is something on there that does make Rc-Help a little money but trust me, it's not enough to do anything with. What we need to do is get that conversion rate up so they can send us better kits. If we can get it high enough, they will send us kits from their site that I can build on video such as copterX, Tarot, ALZRC and so on. It will help get Rc-Help back into the helicopter scene which is where we need to be right now!
Thanks as always for helping out Rc-Help!
This is the exact image that is on the forum main page, and it is clickable. You can use this image just as you would the ad on /forum.php

-Tony N.
Rc-Help - Your Rc Information Source!