An awesome story about a guy and his video camera


Well-Known Member
Some of you might remember that I dropped my Panasonic video camera, a few month ago. I paid $250 for this camera 3 years ago and I really really liked this camera. Great internal storage. 78x zoom. Compact. Very portable. The editing software was easy to use. I dropped it, several months ago, while trying to setup for a video that I was doing and it hasn't worked properly since. I could turn it on but couldn't turn it off without disconnecting the battery. It wouldn't record. I was so bummed.

For some reason, this morning, I decided to pick up that camera and bang it on the counter top (why not? I couldn't hurt it any more). My wife starts laughing at me and tells me, "One more time!" I bang the camera on the counter top, one more time. I press the power button and it's working!!!!!!!!! I press the power button again and it turns off!!!!!!! I try to record a quick 10 second video, and it's working!!!!!!! I go to the "playback" feature and the 10 second video begins to playback!!!!!!!!! I press the power button again to turn it off once again...and it turns off!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't believe it!!!!!! My camera is working again!!!!!!!!!

Just awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!


rc-help EXPERT.......????
lolololol!!!!... sometimes I wish that would work with a car... smash, back and working again. Well looks like you just saved yourself some dough, and got us a laugh as well.... thanks again for the laugh!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, man! I just checked it, too, and it's working still. I'm very happy that I just decided to beat on it, lol.


Staff member
Sometimes, if all else fails, get a bigger hammer. What harm can it do.


DO IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!




Well-Known Member
Yep! I've got the weekend off and I'm very happy about that. I just woke up and I put one of my three batteries on the charger before I got on the computer. If all goes well, I'm going to get a lot of flying done this weekend. I just need to find a camera person. I can use my tripod when I take my 500 out because I want to work on the trims a little, but I'll hit the IU switch and play around a bit.


Well-Known Member
You want to see some SMACK??? You do realize that you are talking to me and not Alan Szabo or Bert Kammerer or Nick Maxwell....right? lol


Well-Known Member
Yeah...I want to learn. I guess if you want SMACK...we'll have to meet up on the sim, until I learn new maneuvers.
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