Micro Align 150 seems like a no brainer to me


Goblin 380 Supporter
Note to self: Read threads before you buy! Just picked one up at LHS and dident realize I need a receiver for my DX9. And I have no way to charge the battery. I hope they will take it back. I dont want to spend anymore on it.....


Well-Known Member
Just need a sat. Can be one of those DSMX knock offs from hobbyking for cheap. As for charging: I didn't realize it didn't come with a charger. That blows. However, I think charging cords are starting to show up for them now, probably for under $10.


Well-Known Member
progressive-rc I think are doing the leads for charging, have a look, I know they have started to get to the UK so you should have them over there,
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Super Mod & DEAL KING!
i bought a lemon Rx for 5 bucks. Its a dsm2 reciever. Perfect for small short distance RC birds

any charger will work (just a 2 cell balance port JST-Xh.. the most common one.. I think) is the one being used on these batteries.


Super Mod & DEAL KING!
OHH by the way.. Align has responded to the tail mount being too brittle issue. There is a compound being used to secure the nuts in the motors (soimilar to Loctite blue).. the compound seems to react with the tail motor mount material. They have now changed the material no Nylon 66 something.. Which is as strong as what they were using but doesnt react with that compound. Apparently the other material.. forgive me forgot the name became brittle and prone to breaking.

So thats one issue. We shall see the rest

some other reports I have read.. people whose birds fly well out of the box are LOVING IT! No issues but the tail mount and the wires being too close to the motor

The blades are more brittle than the mcpx BL but are obviously running a lot more power.

People are doing TICTOCS with these and the bird's power and flybarless system holds up very well

and one thing I have heard again and again, is that it flies like a bigger bird, doesnt have wierd micro heli oscillations on hard stops

Negatives definitely are there.. Swash being one big one, that it pops out .. almost seems like the msr or the BL mcpx I had. Microheli swash bearing would pop out on me. But I used green loctite then, I will be using CA glue now. So yeah That will be a needed upgrade

Ofcourse there are many like Graham, who's bird just would lift off properly or tail wouldnt hold..So they need to work on their Q-A


Well-Known Member
Gaba I think the biggest issue with the tail is the wires come directly from the motor windings to the fbl unit, on a trip through the tail boom, and the weight and speed the tail motor is going in a crash its adios tail motor.


Super Mod & DEAL KING!
As it should be. Now I don't have mine to attest but people's birds have survived but that doesn't mean it's not taking a damage

I guess time will tell

Graham Lawrie

Well-Known Member
I agree with Gaba, QA needs serious attention. It has not put me off wanting one.( new one on way when next delivery hits UK).

My problems were electronic related, bird never left the ground, thank god, as it plummeted out of the sky I would have blamed my lack of ability, so to that end I am glad it never took off.

Like all new models there will be upgrades and improvements, but I think Align should have spent more time and care on production. If I were a team pilot I would be embarrassed to promote this. Sometimes I think there should be an engineering eye cast over to find the flaws the designers have built in to it.

The bare wires is one of my pet hates on it.

Gaba, I use 66 on all my metal parts.

I am also reading a lot of people CA the motor to stop it coming off on impact.

Speaking with Cameron and reading other comments, the way to look at the 150 is to treat it as a 500/600 to get the most out of it.


Super Mod & DEAL KING!
66 was actually the end two letters of the nylon material they are going to use. So new production birds have a different material motor mount

CA , yes I have heard about it. And it seems to hold in posts atleast lol
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