5 blade 450 pro leans on hover


New Member
Hi there.
I have just finished my 450 pro build with a 5 blade head.
My question for anyone that may know is, in hover, the heli has a lean, is this normal for a 5 blade heli ?

:welcome1: kenny.... You might be better posting this in the "helicopter" thread versus this one, there isn't supposed to be any questions posted here. However, I am sure someone on the forum will be able to help you.


Staff member

All helicopters will lean to the right when in a hover. It's just the nature of the beast with a helicopter. As stated above, we don't like questions in here because they dont' help other members down the road that may have the same question. Thought I would make an exception though this once.

But depending on your definition of "lean", we may be talking about different things. Post up a picture or a video of what you are seeing and we can better help you out. The section linked below is kinda like a "catch all" for helicopter questions. If your not sure where to put it, put it in this section if it has to do with a helicopter. You will see a post button on the top left just above the forums where you can post a new thread just like you did here.

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